Chapter 13 - Talk with her brother

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"So, tell her what exactly?" Pietro asks behind the God, who was internally panicking and was having trouble keeping his composture.

"Excuse me?" Loki asked, playing dumb only to see the unimpressed expression shown on Pietro's face. "It's nothing you need to fret about," Loki said, passing by him only to be held back.

"I'm her brother, I'm sure it's something I need to worry about," Pietro retorts, gripping his arm hard.

"I-It's really not that important," Loki stutters, trying to get away but his grip was deathly. "If I tell you the truth you won't get mad, kill me or lash out?"

"I won't."

"If I tell you I'm trying to swoon your sister would you help me?"


Pietro paces the room, Loki sat in the middle as the moon illuminates the barn. The horses sleeping soundly.

"You like my sister?" Pietro asked again, stopping dead in his tracks.


"What the fuck," Pietro curses loudly, "How the fuck? What's the deal?" He asks.

"No deal, I fancy her and that's it."

Pietro chuckles in disbelief, "No way, there's gotta be something else on there."

Hearing a knock, the men saw you; Leaning on the large door fram with your arms crossed.

"Stop harassing Loki, brother," You spoke up, turning away from the door and to Pietro's side.

"What? Are you kidding me, you're taking his side?" Pietro asks in disbelief, "He's a murderer."

"We were once aswell, remember?" He pouts at you, swaying your hand side by side.

"Come on, sister. You're supposed to be on my side," He gives you puppy eyes.

"Stop harassing him and let's go to sleep, I'm getting eyebags," You let go of his hand, patting his cheek before leaving.

Loki lets out a sigh of relief, her brother watching him intently. Studying if what he said was lies or not.

Pietro groans, "I love my, sister. And I want her happy," Pietro starts as Loki was about to leave. "What do you wanna know?"


Waking up by sunlight hitting your face, your head pounding at the sudden noise. You look around to see Loki slowly entering with a tray filled with your favorite food.

Loki smiles at you nervously, setting the tray on your lap; "After all that trouble you went on for me I feel you deserve it," He spoke.

You shake your head, "You didn't have to, I still am gonna cook food for all of us," You replied.

"Yes, though I am sure you need the energy for your training," He gives you your utensils, "Or did you forget? You were meant to train me."

"Right, right," You nod, a small smile that made the God's heart swell up. "Thank you," You said.

"It's no problem," Loki nods, closing the door gently as he rushes to your brother.

Pietro was reading the book you wrote, smiling every once in a while at your paragraphs.

"I think she liked the suprise," Loki spoke up, making your brother's head perk up to him.

"I know, she likes breakfast in bed," Pietro shrugs, "Wear something charming, don't be too flashy though," He adds.

With a snap and an additional smile, his clothes shimmer into some asgardian armor. Twirling slowly for Pietro to see who gave him a thumbs up.

"I guess she might like that," Pietro shrugs again, "I'm not completly sure what she wants in a man..or a God, I guess."

The door creaks open, Loki sitting down quickly on the stool; Making Pietro roll his eyes.

"Ready for training?"



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