Chapter 4 - My flowers

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You ordered Loki to plant some new white flowers by your patch, seeming he ruined it.

It didn't take long for him to do it, he had no other choice anyway seeming he was trapped.

You left him inside the dome, going out for some "secret" objects Loki never understood.

"It was a horrible idea faking my death," Loki whispers, laying on the flowers as he only finished half the patch. His fingers coated with dirt, "What are you gawking at?" He asks the cat that sat in front of him.

He sat up, hearing a sudden crack in the distance. Once he heard it again, he stood up; the cat following closely as he walks to the place of noise.

As he walks to a dark shed, a pack of birds swarmed his face. Pecking, scratching and clawing his face; his arms and anywhere they reached.

"Odins beard, get off!" Loki shouts, trying to pry away the different types of birds.

Luckily for Loki, you came at the absolute right moment. With a snap of your fingers, they stopped. They settled down beneath your feet, bowing down as they looked guilty.

"You can't just attack people like that!" You scold your birds, ushering them away to their respectful cages.

Scurrying to the heavily scratched God, you took his hand and placed him by the swing, your hands analyzing the injuries on his face.

His face flushed, turning hot against the contact as your face were closer than he expected it to be.

"Is healing a God apart of my everyday hobbies now?" You ask, sarcastically. Running your fingers through his face as each scar heals.

"I was simply just looking around," Loki retorts, his eyes fixated on yours, "I-I was just curious, that is all." He stuttered.

You look him in the eye, your fingers still grazing within his face; taking him in a fluster.

"Curiosity kills the cat," You eye him, pushing his hair gently away from his face. Working on the ones on his forehead. "Besides, it's not like there would be any harm in here. I won't allow it."

He hums in response, enjoying the feeling of the contact between your fingers and his skin. Working on each scar.

As you finished, you flicked his ear. Making him yelp and hold his ear.

"What?" He asks, turning to you with his brows furrowed.

"You haven't finished the patch," You smile as he groans, and when he did your smile faltered, "Whatever I'll do it myself, lazy God."

You walk back to the patch, Loki following closely behind you. Taking a large beam in your hand, you threw it at the large gap.
Filling it in with different types of white flowers as Loki gawks at you.

"You could have done that the whole time?" He asked, pointing to you as he exchanges glances between the field and your face.

You laugh, "Yeah, well, I like seeing people fix things they caused," You retort, "Come on, let's get you some tea."

As the tea cup fills up, bringing it to the reading God. You set it upon the table in front of him, sipping your own.

"You're sleeping on the couch," You smile at his expression, showing confusion.

"It's rude to let a guest sleep in such uncomfortable place," Loki retorts, setting his book to his lap to take the tea you brewed.

"Yes, but I allowed you to stay here," You said, "So I can choose where you sleep."

He grumbles, returning to his book as you laughed. Staring at the peaceful man, in your peaceful farm.

You slap yourself for the idea, "Fine, sleep on the bed."

He smiles, perking his head up from the book; "I knew you would come around."

You roll your eyes and cross your chest, "Don't get used to it."

"I already am," He retorts, standing up to your room as the sun collides with the ground. The moon making a reappearance.



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