Chapter 9 - Meeting

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As the kettle whistles, indicating the finished hot water. You apply it onto a cup, adding the chosen ingredients to make tea.

Fury sat on the couch, his arms propped on his thighs as he looks around your small home.

He greatfully takes the cup you gave him, sipping slightly as you sat on the couch opposite to him.

"Now," You spoke, setting the tea you were drinking on the coffee table; "I propose to keep him."

"We promise his health if we take him with us, no torture. Just plain, simple questions that he needs to answer," Fury explains, doing the same as you did.

"No, I want to keep him," You insist, "He's warming up to me and in a few days he'll tell me why he's here," You retort.

"But do you want him here?" Fury asked, "Because as far as I noticed he tried to escape this damn dome and we won't risk to have another jailbreak."

"I do, I want him here," You nod, pursing your lips slightly. "And as far as I noticed he didn't even try to go farther. He just sat there in the marketplace doing nothing."

"And how would you be sure he wouldn't try to escape again?"

"He won't," You shake your head, leaning your back on the couch; "I'll make sure of it, I promise."

"I can't risk the world over a promise, agent Y/n."


Loki sat there, rocking back and forth as the chickens watch him intently. Making him feel violated as his face turned into a scowl.

"What are you looking at?" He asked the chicken closest to him, gawking at him.

He scoffs at the silence, his heart suddenly fluttering as he remembered your statement.

"He's mine for now."

He groans, trying to recover from the sudden heat on his cheeks. Feeling much more embarrassed as he thought he heard the chicken snicker.

"What do you want from me?" He sneered to the animal, looking around to see more looking at him that way.

He sighs, feeling a tad of ridicule. "What's your owner's preferrable type in men?"


"And I can't risk my friend's health over a promise aswell. From what I've learned from you, Fury; is that you would do anything to get something out of someone," You narrow your eyes, quickly averting to get your drink.

"What do you expect from him, Y/n? He's a criminal, he tried to take over earth. Did something eat your common sense?" He sneered.

"Did something eat your empathy?" You retort, sighing as you start to get a headache. "There's guilt rising in him and I can sense it, don't take my powers for a fool," Your accent turns into Sokovian, hoping he would take it as a warning sign.

"I'm not taking your powers for a fool, I'm saying he would be better and safer if he was with us," Fury retorts, standing up to make his point better. "You already have the tesseract at risk, we can't have you keeping an unstable God."

"I've already kept him for weeks," You shake your head, "I'm sure I can keep him here better."

"What do you propose, agent?" Fury asked, his face twisted in irritation.

"I propose to make him an Avenger."


Loki was currently talking to your chickens, making them into tiny children so he would understand better.

"So, all she wants is a tidy man, never tardy? And..cute?" Loki asked, the children in front of him nodding.

"I think she likes you, I'm not sure," One of them said, shrugging slightly.

"You think or you know?" Loki asked.

"I think," She put it simply, "She likes (Favorite flower) though, I think she would appreciate if you give her a big batch," She claps.

The boy beside her points, "Yes! And (Favorite chocolate) She would love that even more!"

The boy closest beside Loki spoke up aswell, "Oh, and a nice candle light dinner by the sunset."

The children gave a dreamy sigh, all at the same time.

"This is quite specific, does she tell you everything?" Loki asked, tilting his head.

"She usually tells the horses," The girl nods, "I think you should ask them."

Loki sighed, "Alright then."



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