Chapter 7 - Caught

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As Loki makes sure you were asleep, the moon showing off it's beautiful features as he moves away from the house. His tesseract on hand and starts moving a hefty space around the border.

He stood there, contemplating as the tesseract glows in his grasp. Hesitating to escape, should he escape? Should he run away?

He squints his eyes and teleport out of the dome, a twinge of guilt peircing his stomach as he ran to the village nearby. Seeing several people gawking at him,

"Run!" Someone shouts, pointing at him. It almost made him feel hurt, but ignores it as he remembers his fault.

He was left alone in the marketplace, nobody around but himself. He runs his fingers through each counter of the place, stealing objects that caught his eye.

His body tenses at the sudden wave of white magic, knowing he's in deep shit now. He turns around with an innocent smile, seeing you; your eyes glowing white in anger as you wore your suit.

"You're an avenger?" Loki asks, mentally slapping himself for not being able to notice quicker than he should've.

"You are heading back to SHIELD," You said, your Sokovian accent covering your normal voice.

"One more chance!" Loki shouts, putting his arms up in surrender.

"I have given you many chances, give me that tesseract," You use your magic to move him forward, trapping him. You take the tesseract from his hands, his feet sogging on the ground as you walk back to the farm. "You are sleeping in a tent," You said.

"Come on, darling? Dove? Love? Y/n, give me another chance," He rambles, grunting as you threw him back to the ground. Closing in the dome, making it much more stronger.

"I'm sending in Thor, go. to. sleep," You order, slamming the door close and leaving the God alone in the chilly night.

As Loki stargazes outside, his hands by his head as he rethinks his decisions. You were an avenger, how was it not obvious? Has he really became that clueless, and now he's going back.

Seeing a dove pass by, moving out of the border with a letter in his beak. Sometimes he forgot there were no midguardian devices here.

Watching as the lights shut in your room, your silhouette out of his sight as you lie down.

He forces his eyes shut, falling into deep sleep.


He wakes up by a shadow covering the sun, hair falling on his face to see your face inches apart from his. His eyes widen at the closeness, sitting up abruptly making your forehead bump into each other.

You yelp, holding your forehead, "What the hell?" You ask, your voice still stuck in "Sokovian mode."

"Sorry, sorry," He repeats, sitting up properly once you sat away. "Why were you so..close?" He asks.

"I was about to wake you up, I have a suprise," You smiled weakly, lending him a hand as you stood up.

He timidly takes your hand, letting you help him stand. You held his hand tightly, leading him out of the dome and to the marketplace.

You gave him a black mask before you went out, slamming sunglasses to his face.

You kept his hand on yours, leading him to a candy store.

"I don't know why you went out, or why you stayed. But pick anything you want before SHIELD comes," You smile, letting him pick out anything.

"Why are you doing this?" Loki asks, his voice dripping with suspicion.

"Because I want to," You shrug, "Now pick, I'm gonna go check out the other stores. Do not try to escape," You add before leaving, making him gulp.

His fingers roam to some candy, picking some out as the woman kindly adds them in a bag. His eyes glint as he sees you looking at a bracelet intently,

"Are you going to buy it, miss?" The saleswoman asked.

"No, it's too expensive for me," You smiled sadly as the woman gives a nod of understanding, showing you other products.



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