Chapter 21 - Another chance

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"So, I'll be pranking Loki and Pietro. Those two idiots have been messing with me all day! I shall now show them how I feel!" You said, grinning widely as you snap your fingers. Causing you to turn invisible.

You fly to the back of Loki and Pietro, pouring down the flour on their heads as they yelp.

"Ah, nice one, sister. I can do better, though." Pietro said, wiping the dust off his head as you cackled.

"Oh please, just accept defeat already!" You exclaim, turning invisible as ypu were still on air; your hands holding each hip.

"Never." Pietro whispered, making you roll your eyes playfully.

"Whatever. I caught that all on camera by the way," You said, pointing to the place where it was stood. "Say hello!" You wave, disappearing once again.

"Still fancy my sister?" Pietro asks as Loki shakes his head to remove the powder.

Loki chuckles, "Even more."

Loki smiled at the video, it's been five years since Thanos and he's been doing great. Well, sort of.

Children were laid upon his feet, those chickens he bought-nope, stole, were one of the things Loki were grateful for.

They were all so giddy, they watch in awe all of the videos he had given them. All about you, sometimes you and Loki.

A car stops by the farm, making Loki sigh as he waves a hand through the childrens heads.

Back to chickens they were as they scurried back into their own barn he created.

Loki stood up as the car doors open, revealing Steve, an unknown man and Natasha.

Loki gives a gesture for them to come in as he enters the home, a wave of magic passes through as now there are food.

"You know, you would make a great father." Natasha spoke up as she stared at the walls, they had frames of you and he.

"I suppose.." Loki mumbles, feeling a quaint sadness and confusion as to why they were here.

They all sat down the couch, though Loki's brows furrowed at the sight of the unknown man; eating some eggs on a plate.

"Oh! Hi, I'm Scott. You know..Ant-man?" Scott asks, lending a hand which Loki did not take. Instead glaring at it.

"Ant-man? Has humanity lost sense over these years?" Loki huffs, crossing his arms as his gaze now stood on the floor.

"Look we have a plan to bring y/n back," Steve starts, making Loki's head slowly perk up to him. "Everyone, everyone back."

Loki shakes his head with a bitter chuckle, "Like you mortals could do it, do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?"

"Scott." Steve nods at the man, who was still eating.

Scott clears his throat, drinking water aswell as he threw the paper cup in the trash. Which missed.

"I'll get that later." Loki spoke up before Scott could move, the man gives him a thumbs up.

"So," Scott claps, "Before Thanos I was stuck in the quantum realm for five years."

"My apologies, it must've been long." Loki spoke up, sitting up much more straight.

"No, you see. To me it was only five hours," Scott said, making Loki raise a brow. "What I'm saying is time works differently in the Quantum realm. All I'm saying is, what if there was a way to enter the Quantum realm in a certain time and exit to another point in time? Like before Thanos." Scott finishes.

Loki took a minute to process Scott's speech, rubbing his temple.

"Messing with time is a difficult subject to deal with, supposedly impossible." Loki spoke up.

"And if it's not?" Scott asks, gaining a wave of confidence. "We can get..y/n..back, she's your wife right?" He asks, hoping he got the name right.

Loki smiles, "I hope she will be," Loki said, "Fine, I'm doing this because I want y/n back. What do you call this..time fluctuation." Loki asks.

Scott grins, giving a dramatic pause. "A time heist." He said, cringing when an awkward silence passes. "Come on, time travel is just an overrated name. I mean it's pretty cool..y'know what, nevermind-"

"No, no, it's a very impressive name." Loki nods, giving an assuring smile. "Would you like to have lunch with me?" He asks.

"Sorry, Loki. But we have to figure out the team's whereabouts." Loki nods in understanding as they all stood up, "We'll see you at the compound?" Steve asks.

"Of course." Loki smiles.

Watching them all leave with a twinge of hope dancing his chest, I'm gonna get y/n back, he thought.



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