Chapter 26 - On your left

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After Thanos' great, useless speech, the group lunges at him.

Thor bangs his two hammers together whilst Tony and his suit sucks it in, shooting the energy to Thanos.

Thanos twirls his weapon fast to divert the energy, instead hitting them.

Loki came forward with his two swords, going one-on-one with him. Though after he had sliced Thanos' side, he was swatted away and changed with Thor.

Thor throws mjolnir and hits it with his axe, sending it flinging to Thanos.

Though, he uses Tony as a shield. Making the man fly away by the impact of mjolnir.

Steve tries to hit Thanos but is easily shielded away, whilst doing that; Loki was able to lunge at him once again.

His one sword was hit away, his other bended as he was lifted on the ground. Loki's neck was covered by Thanos' large hand.

"No!" Thor shouts, throwing his mjolnir only to be flinged away; dropping Loki in the process.

Loki was able to breathe once again, panting hard as Thor attacks the mad titan.

Though, as Thor was trying to get Stormbreaker. It was unfortunately used against him, Thanos was digging itt into his chest.

Thor shouts in agony, spotting mjolnir come across Thanos' head. Revealing Steve with the hammer with menacing look.

"I knew it!" Thor shouts, a large grin on his face but quickly wiped off as Thanos kicked his face.

Steve and Thanos starts battling, though as they do that; Loki crawls to Thor.

"Brother, wake up.." Loki mumbles, shaking Thor slightly as he cracks his eyes open. "We need to find shelter." He said.

"Come on." Thor nudges, carrying each other as they walk to some rubble. Leaning their back into it as they start to recollect their breathes.

Watching as Thanos gets the upper hand, taking his helmet to stab Steve in the leg.

"In all my years of conquest– violence– slaughter– It was never personal. But I'll tell you now– what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet– I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much." Thanos said, menacingly after throwing Steve far away.

Thanos summons a large army, consisting the Children of Thanos, Chitauri, Sakaarans, Outriders and Chitauri Gorillas.

As Steve sees the army, he stood up tall. Staggering to the edge as he tightens his shield.

Loki hears a crack in his communicator, "Lo-ove?" A familiar voice said, glitching slightly.

"Y/n?" Loki asks, he was still pained.

Steve had the same crack in his communicator. "Hey, Cap. You read me?" Sam asks.

Steve looks around, "Cap, it's Sam, can you hear me?"

A bunch of yellow portals start to swirl in the sky.

"On your left." Sam whispered.

More portals start coming in, revealing the heroes of the universe all ready for battle and restored.

All looking determined as they held their weapons tight.

You land on the floor with Wanda, Pietro zooming in to the two of you.

"Is that everyone?" Strange asks, turning to Wong.

"You wanted more?" Wong asks, exasperated.

Ant-man starts growing large, stumbling out of the rubble as in his hands revealed Hulk, Rocket and Rhodey.

You went to Loki, a hand you lent to him with a smile. Your eyes glew white aswell as your body.

"Darling." Loki greets, a greatful smile on his face as he took your hand. "I can't believe it." He said.

"You better believe it, my prince." You smiled, kissing his hand as some of his cuts heal.

Spotting Thor standing up, the three of you walk with determination to the pack of Avengers all ready.

"Avengers!" Steve shouts, making the Avengers get into a fighting stance as he summons mjolnir.



I hate that purple nutsack

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I hate that purple nutsack.

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