Chapter 27 - Endgame

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As you hear clashes of metal between swords and rattling of powers around the field, you couldn't help but feel glory; you missed fighting.

You land with an energy blast between Wanda and Pietro, in front of you stood Thanos.

"Intimidated? You should be." Pietro spoke up, his eyes glowing a shade of blue.

"You cut us apart." You mumbled, your hands creating a wretched, white energy sphere.

"You took everything from us." Wanda said, her face turned into a scowl.

"I don't even know you guys." Thanos whispered, holding his weapon rather tightly.

"You will." The three of you said, simultaneously. You and Wanda start to fly as Pietro stayed on the ground.

Pietro circles around Thanos and the two of you, creating a thick fog he wouldn't be able to escape.

Wanda takes some debris off the ground and attacks Thanos with it, catching him off guard.

You let out a hand, keeping Thanos in place as he starts to levitate up. You took another hand, as if trying to rip him apart.

Wanda does the same as you, keeping one hand up as Thanos shouts in agony. The fog surrounding the three of you getting closer and closer.

"Rain fire!" Thanos shouts, his booming voice reaching the ears of his army.

"But, sire, our troops!" One shouts back.

"Just do-" You slam his face with another energy blast, tured of his voice and his squabbles.

Fire ran through, making the trio, you, Pietro and Wanda get flinged away.

Wanda covers the three of you with her magic, keeping in place as you spot Loki.

You threw a ball of magic to him, creating a shield right above him as he kept on fighting.

"Do that with the others." Pietro suggested, hurriedly zooming next to you.

"Hold on." You pant out, holding your hand out to the floor; making white lines reach some warriors which created a shield around them.

The dam breaks on the other side, Strange holds the water in place.

We all turn to look at the sky, seeing what looked like a meteor. But it wasn't. The ship's cannons start turning towards it.

"What the hell is this?" Sam asks, still flying around the sky.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y what are they shooting at?" Tony asks, stopping dead in his tracks as he stood flying.

"Something has entered the atmosphere." F.R.I.D.A.Y informs.

A bright light crashes through the ship, completely passing through it with no worry.

Revealing Carol with a smirk, watching as the ship falls down the sea.

You look to Wanda and Pietro who had relieved faces, "Seperate, Pietro. Zoom through the army and kill as much as you can." You order.

"Yes, maam." Pietro jesters, saluting before running away as you remove all the shields. Standing tall.

"Lets go?" Wanda asks, preparing her powers once again.

"Let's go." You repeat, flying throughout the sky to see Carol and a teenager.

He was hugging the gauntlet, handing it to Carol as his face was all tattered.

"I don't know how you're gonna pass through that." He says, a yelp escaping him when you and Wanda land behind her.

"Don't worry." Wanda said, flipping her hair as you did the same.

Valkyrie passes with her Pegasus, landing right beside her.

Okoye walks to the newfound group, spinning her spear, "She's got help."

Pepper in her suit lands right beside Okoye, removing her mask as you start to walk.

Shuri came in with two weapons on hand, blasting whoever comes near.

Hope comes in next, becoming her normal size as she adjusts something on her wrist.

Next follows Mantis with Gamora and Nebula, passing through the crowd.

Now, all of you were fighting through the crowd to get Carol close to the van. Your body swaying with your attacks, your heart faster than Pietro as he ran.

The enemies seeming to be rapidly decreasing, Thanos obviously notices.

Trying to get to Carol, only to be kept away by Pepper, Shuri and Hope; blasting him back.

"Whatever happens, we need to get those stones back." Steve said through the earpiece.

"You don't need to worry about that." You replied. Watching as Thanos threw his weapon to the van. "Yeah..about that. Nevermind."


I live for Pietro finally using his true power, I want to see that

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I live for Pietro finally using his true power, I want to see that. Very much.

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