Chapter 16 - Give me the tesseract

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Thor was kneeling on the ground, his mouth covered with strange metal as his eyes narrowed at the man stood before him.

He was purple and huge, Thanos, his hand weilding a gauntlet as the stones shone brightly.

Frigga panting on the floor as she looked at her son, defeated.

"Where is the tesseract." Thanos asked sternly to Frigga, who only smiled.

"It has been destroyed, you will never have it. You shall never be a God, like you dreamed of. It will always be a mere fantasy." Frigga smirks, immediately averting into a painful scream.

Feeling the stone by her temple the power stone, almost burning her face as Thor struggles against his restraints.

"Asgardian." Thanos spoke up, removing the stone from Frigga's temple. Now holding her by the head. "Where is the tesseract."

The muzzle around Thor's mouth had been removed, leaving him to talk as his hands kept him crouching.

"I will never tell you." Thor retorts, his eyes starting to blur as he sees the stone come closer to Frigga. "No!" He shouts, causing the mad titan to stop. "We have it..on midgard."


November 2017, you cross out in the calendar. Hearing murmuring in the living room as you stood with a smile.

Your horses turned back into humans, dancing in joy around your living room.

Loki spots you, standing up from his seat to move to you. His hands on your waist as always as your hand rests on his shoulder.

Loki kissed your forehead, tenderly. "May I have this dance, my beautiful lady?" He asks.

"Of course, my adorable asgardian." You pecked his nose, causing it to crinkle as you giggled.

"Only you can call me adorable." Loki says, swaying your body side by side as the music plays in the background.

You hum in response, resting your head on his chest as the wind starts turning chilly.

"Y/n.." Ainsley calls out, by the window as his mouth was agape at the sight. "There is.." He couldn't continue, he fell on the floor clutching his chest.

"Ainsley?" You asked, heads perking towards him. "Ainsley!" You exclaim, all of you moving to him to help him relax.

Feeling darkness surround you, seeing a ship hovered over your house.

"Hide!" Yang shouts, but before anyone could move nor twitch or talk; something ruined your home.

Fire surrounded your sight as you couldn't find your friends, making you let out a shaky breath.

You stood up, slightly unsteady as you see figures moving towards you.

But before they could take another step, your eyes glew a terrifying white.

They took a step back each step you took forward, except for one man-or creature.

"Mortal." Thanos calls, "Give me the tesseract."

You shake your head, your hands now wielding spheres of magic. Your feet moving up the ground.

"Unless you want your friend slaughtered, I expect you to cooperate." The purple giant threw a familiar man to the ground, Thor, unconscious.

"Y/n!" You hear Loki call out, carrying Ainsley on his shoulders. Yin and Yang supporting each other. "Thanos.." Loki greets.

"Traitor." Thanos raises his chin up, "You should be dead."

"Leave," You whisper, one hand up as your magic turns into mist. Sending his goons flying to the coop. "my home." You continued.

Thanos only chuckled, angering you more as you threw a beam of your magic to him. Leaving him enraged.

"Child, you have no idea what was you have created between us. Give me the tesseract and we shall be on our way." Thanos spoke.

"On my cold corpse." Loki spoke up, moving closer.

"I tend to have a corpse once this is over." And before you knew it, Loki presented the tesseract to him.

"I suppose you won't need one, the tesseract will be given on one condition." Loki said, the blue cube on his hand.

"You are in no position to create conditions with me, Asgardian."

"I suppose..Thanos, I am Loki Odinson. And I give you my undying fidelity, and this tesseract." Loki said, creating a dagger behind him.

"Loki-" You were interrupted by Thanos,
     "Silence!" Thanos shouts, "Unless you want your..lover, dead. You shall give me the tesseract."

"And the tesseract I plan to give," As Thanos begins to reach for it, Loki exclaims. "Run, Y/n!"

A goon uses it's magic to keep you in place as Thanos tries to grip the tesseract, only for his large hand to phaze through.

"Tricks." Thanos tuts, taking Loki by the neck as you wailed out a plead. "You shan't have done that."

Loki was squirming under his grip, Thanos's hand gripped tightly on his neck as Loki loses air.

The enviroment creepy. The trio you held in your home was sobbing quietly in the background, unable to help.

Your animals all slaughtered on the floor as their blood sepped through the grass, leaving you defeated.

The grass moving with the wind as everything seemed black and white, truly depressing.

"You..will never be..a God." And with that, you heard a sickening crack.

"No!" You shout, tears rolling down your cheeks as your eyes turn a pure white, overwhelming it felt.

"Search for the tesseract." Thanos orders, suprised once he feels a wave of magic tumble him to the ground.

Thanos's head perks up to rocks floating on each side, turning into sharp swords ready to pierce his heart.

"You will regret, everything." You spoke up, your voice laced with venom as you started throwing magic at him.

He could only dodge with his arms, his feet trying to stay steady on the ground as you never stopped.

Lifting him up the ground, he lets a prolonged grunt. Dropping his weapon to the ground as you looked at him with burning rage.

Before you could rip him apart, you felt an overwhelming pierce in the stomach. Causing you to yelp, seeing a piece of metal in front of you.

Your magic had stopped, letting Thanos fall back to the ground as you did the same. But much more pain as your tears started blurring your vision, keeping the scowl you had when you first met him.

"I have it, sir."

"Good, back to the ship." Thanos nods, "Foolish mortal, you should have given it to me when you had the chance." And with that, black spurs covered your vision.

Drifting you into a black space, leaving only tranquility as you wonder if this was your death.



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