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Soomin tossed on her bed again and sighed, sleep wasn't in her sight that night as it's been 4 hours since the girl have been trying to sleep

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Soomin tossed on her bed again and sighed, sleep wasn't in her sight that night as it's been 4 hours since the girl have been trying to sleep

"Fuck sleep, I'm going out" she putted on her hoodie and left the apartment

She pulled up her hood and shove her hands inside the pocket to not feel the cold breeze of january brushing her fingers

"Where should I go? Jungwon's house? Nah he's probabily sleeping, I don't want to wake him up" Soomin opened the main door of the building and looked around

Seeing no one, she shrugghed her shoulders and started walking on the empty streets

"Guess I'll just walk around without any reason?" Her feet unknowly carried her to her boyfriend's house

Soomin took her phone out of her pocket and called Jungwon to check if he was awake or not

"Yeah..?" His sleepy voice welcomed her

"Were you sleeping?"


"I'm outside your house" Jungwon got up from his bed with a frown and opened his curtains as he looked at his front door seeing Soomin waving at him

"You should be sleeping"

"I couldn't" the girl heard Jungwon sighing from the other line

"I'm coming to open the door" the door opened revealing Jungwon rubbing his eyes while holding his phone near his ear

Soomin ended the call and hugged him "sorry for waking you up Wonie"

"Nah it's ok, I couldn't sleep more than an hour"

The two sat on the couch as Soomin felt like her worries about what happened early that day started to disappear "So what even took you here?"

"I can't sleep so I decided to go for a walk"

"and my feet brought me here" his dimples showed up as he engulfed her into a hug

"My babies already missed me~"

"You are so cheesy Jungwon-ah"

"Only for you love~" he pecked her lips as a blush appeard on her cheeks

"Do you want anything? Like a drink or something to eat?" Soomin stopped and started thinking

"I'm craving for tteokbokki!" She nodded with a proud smile

"Tteokbokki, where do I even find tteokbokki at 3 am?"

"There's a minimarket near your house that sells tteokbokki!"

"Ok then," Jungwon stood up with his adorable smile "let me chance and then we can go"

"How did you even knew about the minimarket near my house?"

"I used to pass by and noticed your house is near it" lie, Soomin liked to walk pass the house just to get a glimpse of the boy dancing in his room and then always went to eat something after

Jungwon nodded and pushed the door as the hot air inside passed trough his body

"How much tteokbokki do you want?"

"5 portions" she happly skipped inside following Jungwon

"5 portions it is" the boy took his wallet out and payed for her food

"You didn't told me it was your treat" Soomin pouted as she took the plastic bag

"I feel guilty now" Jungwon took the plastic bag from her hands and shook his head

"You are my girlfriend, and I want to spoil you"

"Won't people think I'm with you for your money" the soon-to-be-father kissed her lips to shut her up as he successed in making her flustered

"I told you not to care about them ok? All you have to care about is our baby. And if they will think that you are with me for money, I won't hesitate to slit a sock down their throat" Soomin chuckled after the last sentence, Jungwon was protective, and she liked it

"As long as you aren't with me for my money" the pregnant girl shook her head

"Hell no, I'm with you because you are you"

"I mean money are just pieces of paper with faces at the end" Jungwon chuckled and shook his head

"But if you don't have money you can't buy what you need to survive like food and water"

"You have a point"

"But if you have too much money, you will end up wasting them on useless things"


"Like buying a single photocard selled at 100,000 won when you can find them in an album"

"Yeah but, if you want to have a collection of all the members then you have to buy them because there is a small possibility that buying 5 albums you will find every txt member" the soon-to-be-father facepalmed and placed the bag on the kitchen counter

"Is your family even here? We are making so much noise and no one woke up—"

"Jungwon-ah, what the hell are you doing up at 3 am?" His sister entered the kitchen half asleep

"and why did you brought a girl— oh I understand the picture now~"

"Noona, this is Soomin, Soomin this is my sister, Miyeon"

"Well, sorry for disturbing your late night snack, I'll leave now" she winked before leaving the two alone again

"You have a sister?" Jungwon nodded as he took the food out of the bag

"She came back home from studying overseas some days ago"

Her lips formed into a 'O' shape "does she know about... you know.. the baby?"

"Not yet, I was planning to tell her tomorrow and shock her" Soomin chuckled and started eating

"Love, say 'aaaaa'" Jungwon took a piece of tteokbokki and brought it closer to her face

Soomin opened her mouth and ate it as a blush crept on her face after the pet nickname

"You are cute when you blush" the pregnant girl covered her face to hide her red cheeks

"S-Stop Wonie" the boy smiled while looking at his flustered girlfriend

You are so cute without even trying

You are so cute without even trying

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