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"Thank god you're safe Soomin!" Sunoo ran to hug Soomin as soon as he saw her walking near her locker

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"Thank god you're safe Soomin!" Sunoo ran to hug Soomin as soon as he saw her walking near her locker

"Yah! Where the hell did you went yesterday? I came to wake you up and you weren't in our apartment!"

Soomin chuckled and released her best friend from the hug "relax Sunoo-yah! I went out for a walk!"

"At Jungwon's house?" Sunhee raised a brow after seeing the boy behind her

"Was it a nice walk?" The female rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips

"Whatever" the girl took her books and closed her locker

"How's Soowon?" The pregnant girl frowned "who?"

"Ah right! We forgot to tell them, we called the baby Soowon. A mix of Jungwon and Soomin"

"That's so cute! Don't you find it cute Wonie?" Smiling, Jungwon nodded as he snacked an arm around her waist

"Who made the name?" Sunoo raised his arm with a proud smile

"I was the one that did everything! Sunhee did nothing" Sunhee pouted and crossed her arm

"Yah! I buyed you food!" Sunoo sassly rolled his eyes

"Can I ask where is Haneul?" Mentioning the name of her best friend wasn't great as the two's expressions dropped

"She came back this morning, we met her at the school gate... with Sunghoon.."

"Did she asked about me..?"

"She asked if we told you about her and when we told her yes she got mad at us..."

"What is she mad for? It's her fault after all"

Talking of the devil, Haneul passed by with an arm around Sunghoon's as she completely ignored her best friends' presence by talking to her new boyfriend


The bell rang indicating that the four should part their ways

"See you later at lunch love~" Jungwon planted a sweet kiss on her forehead

"Have some mercy for our single asses" Soomin rolled her eyes as she placed her history book on her desk

"Oh come on, don't tell me you both don't find anyone interessing in this school"

"Well," Sunoo trailed while playing shyly with his fingers "I did setted my eyes on a girl..." his lips unknowly curved into a smile just by thinking of the mysterious girl

"Who is it Sunoo-yah?" The two looked at eachother before staring at the boy with raised brows

"She's from my dance class..." covering her mouth, Soomin stood from her seat shocked

"Shiyeon-unnie!" This time Sunoo was the shocked one "how do you know her?!"

"We were besties in middle school!"

"Enough class! Sit down and be quiet!"

"Are you hungry?" Jungwon asked as soon as he approached his girlfriend

"I could eat the whole cafeteria" the soon-to-be-father chuckled and shook his head

"Then shall we go eat?"

The judgemental stares the students gave her couldn't affect her less, after being told multiple times by Jungwon to stop caring about what other people thought, she did stopped

As long as her and the little one were safe, nothing cared

"Don't you think Soowon is actually a cute name for a baby?" The boy nodded

"It is, I should thank Sunoo-hyung later"

"Jungwon-ah, if I'm not wrong Sunghoon is your friend, right?" The male nodded intertwining his fingers with hers "so he did told you about the two of them?" Jungwon shook his head

"Actually he did told me he liked someone but I didn't knew it was your friend"

"so I guess we were both clueless" he chuckled trying to make theatmosphere happier seeing how her face dropped talking about her best friend

She has the rights to feel kind of betrayed, right? Because she always told her everything while Haneul didn't

She was sure she had a reason not to tell her but could she at least explain why?

"Let's not talk about it, weren't we going to eat?" Shifting the topic, Jungwon dragged his lover to the cafeteria where her friends were waiting for them

"Took you long enough lovebirds" Soomin rolled her eyes as she placed her tray of food on the table and sat down

"Unlike you I have a boyfriend" Sunhee rolled her eyes

"Stop slapping us with that! I want a boyfriend now" the girl roamed her eyes around the cafeteria "that boy!" She pointed to a group of boys sitting a table from them

"Ni-ki? Are you sure?" Everyone looked at Jungwon "you know them?"

Jungwon nodded "they are my friends, I usually sit with them at lunch"

"That is Heeseung-hyung, the one beside him is Jay-hyung. The one beside Ni-ki is Jake-hyung"

"Where's Sunghoon-hyung? I thought he sat with you" Jungwon shrugghed

"He's probabily with his girlfriend"

( random note ): and we reached chapter eleven! I really want to thank every single reader of this book because we just reached 6,07k reads! Also you see Haneul and Sunghoon together? Keep on thinking they're together *evil smrik* I have more in p...

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( random note ): and we reached chapter eleven! I really want to thank every single reader of this book because we just reached 6,07k reads! Also you see Haneul and Sunghoon together? Keep on thinking they're together *evil smrik* I have more in plan for them ;)

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