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"Jungwon stop drinking!" Sunoo took the bottle from his hands

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"Jungwon stop drinking!" Sunoo took the bottle from his hands

"Give it to me Sunoo-hyung!" Sunoo shook his head and throwed the bottle of soju on the ground as it shattered in pieces

"And why should I? Tell me Jungwon, why should I?" Sunoo pushed the box of soju away from the boy

"Because I want to forget her!" Jungwon stood up and almost lost balance from how drunk he is

"I want to forget everything..." the male took another bottle and gulped down all the liquid

"I tried but....." he sat on the ground while desperately drinking "I failed"

"You didn't failed Jungwon! You never failed from the start! It's not your fault for being a bad boyfriend or not taking care of her! You tried your best!" Sunoo sighed and opened a bottle too

"Then why did she rejected me...?"

"Why did she chose to make me suffer like this...? Having panick attacks, not sleeping and crying the whole day...?" He looked at the older with watery eyes, drunk words are sober thoughts. He was letting it all out for once

"Because she doesn't deserve you Jungwon! I'm her best friend but I just can't see her like before anymore! She chose alone! She didn't confronted you! She was a coward! She was a selfish coward.."

Sunoo can't see Soomin with the same eyes anymore, that's why he decided to move back to his old mansion. She was selfish, a coward for not thinking how bright that child could be to her life and never thought of the consequences Jungwon will face


"She will never understand all the pain you're going trough! She can't understand all your sleepless nights or your outbursts! how mentally and physically you aren't fine! She can't even think of understanding it! Because she never will!" Sunoo, who was now drunk just like Jungwon, wasn't talking about him, but about himself

Everyone has it's own demons

"Sunoo-hyung.. I want to see my child... I want to experience the feeling of rocking him all night until he falls asleep..." Jungwon cried out, his heart was sinking in his own thoughts

He was pratically dead inside

"I— I just..... love them. I can't let them go"

Why, his head was full of them

Why did I had to suffer?

Why it has to happen to me?

Why do I need to give up?

Tell me Soomin, why?

"Don't you think it was all just too rushed? Maybe she just said no because she wasn't ready, Jungwon" Jungwon shook his head, his gaze still fixed on the ground

"She could have told me... I would have understood" other tears fell down his flushed cheeks due to the amount of alcohol rushing inside him

"But I never got a chance to tell her I love you and cuddle with her before I might need to leave"
Sunoo frowned


"I'm leaving for China soon, the baby was the only thing holding me back but now I don't have a reason to stay here..." Jungwon sighed, now sober and tired as he stood up

"So I guess I'm following my parents there"

"Goodnight Sunoo-hyung, don't wake me up please" the boy walked to the guest room

Jungwon wake up due to the noise coming downstairs, he groaned and covered his face with his blanket

"I told Sunoo-hyung not to wake me up" the only night he could sleep at least four hours was ruined by the unknow noise coming from his friend

The boy headed to the bathroom to wash up

"Sunoo-hyung what are you doing at 8 am—" Jungwon stopped drying his hair with a towel when he heard someone arguing

"You aren't going further, stop there. You broke his heart twice and I'm not letting you give him false hopes when you're just gonna dump him again!"

"You don't understand Sunoo! I want to talk to him, I need to tell him something really important!" That voice, Jungwon could recognize it among million of voices, but now it was the last thing he wanted to hear

"Tell me what it is! I don't want to see him more broken than how he already is!" The girl sighed

"I just want to tell him that I changed my mind...." Jungwon froze,  the towel he was holding fell from his hands "I was just shocked, that's why I said no... please Sunoo, I love him, let me see him at least once"

"just once..."


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