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"What are you doing Jungwon-hyung?" Ni-ki asked him while leaning on the wall in his room

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"What are you doing Jungwon-hyung?" Ni-ki asked him while leaning on the wall in his room

"Isn't it obvious? I'm packing my things" Riki suspiciously looked at him "to go where in particular?"

"China" the japanese boy froze and shook his head. Jungwon can't leave, not now

"China? Why? Are you and Soomin going there? Are you leaving us all?" Jungwon shook his head while taking few hoodies out of the closet

"I'm going there with my family, I wanted to stay here for Soomin and the baby but Sungjin is already taking care of them—"

"What the fvck Jungwon-hyung!!?" Ni-ki suddenly shouted, scaring the older who wasn't expecting it

"Hey child no swearing for you" the younger rolled his eyes and stopped him from taking other clothes out

"Point number one, I'm not a child, point number two, you aren't going anywhere" Jungwon frowned and crossed his arms

"Oh yeah? And what can stop me from doing so?"

"Hello? Your future family? The girl you literally admired for the past years and that is now carrying your child? Your child? Your friends? I can go on all day if you want"

The boy just shook his head and proceded to continue to pack his bags

"Are you serious? Does Soomin even know you're leaving?"

"She doesn't, and she doesn't need to know. She didn't seemed interessed in me anymore—"

"Wake up Yang Jungwon! Can't you fvcking see how toxic Sungjin is to her!!? She was chased by him and her only option was to kiss you to hide her face! Open your eyes and accept the reality! You're even the biological father! The thing you wished for since the fvcking start! What else do you even need to realise she needs help to get away from him!!?" Ni-ki shouted at him, he was pissed off honestly, Jungwon just couldn't see the truth folding in front of his eyes

"What the fvck are you saying Ni-ki!!? Didn't I already told you how I saw them fvcking kissing in front of my eyes!!? He was inside her apartment and they were fvcking kissing! There's no explaination for that!" Jungwon shouted back, now starting an arguement with the japanese boy

"Oh yeah? Did you saw Soomin leaving for China when Young-Hee kissed you in front of HER eyes!!? Uh!!? Did you saw her leaving for another fvcking country without letting you explain!!? No cause I didn't! She instead gave you the chance to explain what she saw and forgave you! You are acting like a fvcking child Jungwon-hyung!"

"and do you think she wanted that fvcking toxic dude in her life to ruin your relationship!!? Even after she came to Sunoo-hyung's house to explain and even asked you back to marry her!!? You were both engaged and now she suddenly wants to end it!!? It's basic logic!" He glared at him, clenching his fists and holding himself back from punching him

"Can't you understand that we are over!!? She can do whatever she wants now! I don't fvcking care anymore! I hate her—" the older's head turned to the left as a clear slap sound was heard in the room. Ni-ki just slapped him

It wasn't his intention, he isn't in his right state of mind these days

"What the fvck Ni-ki!!?" Riki shook his head multiple times as his hands covered his face and his back met the wall while mumbling things. He felt a monster for slapping one of his dearest friends

"I'm sorry Jungwon-hyung... I'm sorry..." some tears dropped on his cheeks as he crouched on the ground, hugging his knees and buring his face in them

Jungwon held his cheek with a red mark on it while shaking his head and glaring at him

"Jungwon..," her eyes widened as her hand covered her mouth "Soomin I-I can explain—" Soomin shook her head as a tear escaped her eye. She can't believe what she just heard

"Don't"  she ran away from there as Jungwon ran after her

"Soomin, please let me explain—" she shook her head

"Go to China, as you said you hate me, isn't this what you want? Getting rid of us and live a better life there with a better girl that isn't strange like me. I can take care of this child alone.." he was starting to get emotional too as few tears started forming in his eyes, blurring his vision

"Soomin, I-I didn't meant anything I said—"

"Stop!" Soomin finally faced with her stained cheeks and red eyes "you didn't meant anything? Oh please, I'm not stupid Jungwon, you clearly meant them all. Can't you understand that I'm hurting too!!? Do you think it was easy to deal with Sungjin and to take care of this baby alone without anyone by my side!!? I only had Jay to take care of us! What were you doing these two weeks!!? I'm stressed Jungwon! I'm on the point of collapsing! The world literally crushed in front of my eyes and I did nothing! I'm just here to be traumatized and heartbroken!!?"

"I'm on the verge of miscarriaging because of you! You've been making me so stressed to the point that I almost killed the baby because I wanted to drink alcohol! I can't do this anymore! I just want this nightmare to end and have a normal day for once! I—"

A sharp pain inside her tummy made her stop arguing with him and widen her eyes "Soomin..." Jungwon immediately wrapped an arm around her waist to prevent her from falling on her knees "I think I'm miscarriaging...."


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