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"Young-Hee, the plan is failing! Do you even know how to do your work?" Mrs

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"Young-Hee, the plan is failing! Do you even know how to do your work?" Mrs.Yang scolded her as she massagged her temples in frustation

"Mrs.Yang, he hates me, I can't do anything with it, I don't even know why.."

"Then find a way to make him forget that Soomin girl! She's just trouble, she won't bring anything good to his life" Young-Hee held the handles of her bag tighly

"She won't bring anything good? They are having a baby together, she's carrying his child and he loves the both of them so much. They're gonna be a happy family and I don't want to ruin it. A baby is one of the brighest things you could have when you decide to keep it, and once you get affectionate to it you can't let it go" Young-Hee was tired, she was tired of pretending, she was in love with Jungwon but her heart already set itself aside, knowing his heart already belonged to Soomin all along

Her brat side was all an act, she doesn't like acting like one

"And his career? Miyeon already setted aside for the CEO position and Jungwon is the only one left for it, without finishing high school he will make us fail"

"And? So your business is more important than your son's happiness? I don't even know if I can still consider you his mom" mrs.Yang rolled her eyes

"Plus, he will apply for that position only if he wants to. Jungwon isn't stupid as you think"

"Listen you little brat, he's my son, I know what's better for his life and what will ruin it. You are no one to tell me what to do with his life" the woman walked closer to her and slammed her hands on the glass table

"Do you think he will listen to you? You told him to abort his child but Soomin is three months pregnant now. You told him to forget her and chose me but he proposed to her and they are engaged, even if you won't approve their wedding, they don't care as long as they can be happy" Young-Hee's eyes were now getting watery, her heart was torn apart but she still wanted to see the boy happy, even if she won't be the one bringing happiness to his life

"Jungwon was raised by his grandmonther! He's an angel, he will obviously listen to me"

"Angels aren't always as pure as you think"

*ding dong!*

Soomin groaned "wonie are you avaible"

"I'm going! Don't move a muscle Soomin!" Jungwon hurriedly opened the door just to find Young-Hee looking down

"Young-Hee? What are you doing here?" Soomin stopped using her phone and covered herself with a blanket to hide the small baby bump that was now showing up

"Jungwon..," the girl started "can I talk to the both of you?" She changed, her so-called-brat-side wasn't up anymore, she wanted to be honest with them before anything can happen

Jungwon was skeptical, what if this was a trick to split them apart?

"It's really important, I don't want to do anything bad.." the soon-to-be-father sighed and opened the door completely to let Young-Hee in

They didn't trusted her but it seemed so important that she wasn't acting like a brat anymore

"First of all, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for every single thing I did to the both of you, I never wanted to hurt you physically or mentally, never I will want to hurt someone" Young-Hee placed her bag on the floor and sat on the puff she found in the living room

"I want to apologise to Soomin first, for trying to take Jungwon from you when I knew I didn't had a chance since his heart was always after you from the very start. It was an act someone asked me to pull on" Jungwon held Soomin's hand that was under the blanket

"And then to Jungwon, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I would drink a poison just to make you forgive me. I do love you, but I setted myself aside after finding out you liked her. I'm sorry for saying that she won't be anything good to your life. I know how much she and your baby mean to you, I know you will be a happy family, I'm sure you'll be a great dad" she smiled sadly as a tear escaped her right eye "even if it doesn't mean anything for you, I wish you'll get the approvation of your parents and get married" shocked, Soomin and Jungwon were shocked. So Young-Hee's personality was an act all along? Yes, it was

She's out of the plan, she wants to see him happy

"Young-Hee..." Soomin spoke, still processing everything "I... I'm sorry to hear all of that, you gave up your own happiness just for him. I hope we can start again and be friends?" Young-Hee's eyes lighted up as she nodded immediately

"Jungwon, I know you're shocked after my sudden confession. You don't have to say anything, the answer is pretty obvious" the girl chuckled "I just hope you won't cut contacts with me though" Jungwon shook his head

"We can still be friends, but, who asked you to pull the act on..?"

"Someone and I can't say who's"

"So you're saying someone wants to split us apart?" Soomin asked while munching on the chips the three were eating

"Yeah, in short" Young-Hee sighed and shifted the topic to change the atmosphere "but let's talk about normal things now! How have you been feeling these days?"

The pregnant girl shrugghed "I feel sleepy, hungry and nauseous most of the times"

The latter hitted Jungwon's leg under the table who was spacing out "if you don't remember, we have a guest here who is talking to the both of us" Jungwon rolled his eyes

"I know, I know" Young-Hee couldn't help but smile, they were really cute together, she can't lie about that fact

"Back to what I was saying, I also feel dizzy"

"Don't forget the mood swings" Soomin rolled her eyes "when did I even had one?"

Jungwon raises his brows "Are you for real? This morning your mood went from sad to angry because I washed my favorite hoodie without telling you"

Soomin pouted and crossed her arms "it's your fault for not telling me"

Soomin pouted and crossed her arms "it's your fault for not telling me"

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