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"Soominnie~ I'm back~ did you missed me?" The boy raised her head by placing his fingers under her chin with a smirk

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"Soominnie~ I'm back~ did you missed me?" The boy raised her head by placing his fingers under her chin with a smirk

"Who.... who are you?" Soomin managed to speak with her sore throat

"Wondering who I am? Well, you can say I'm the future dad of this cute little thing here" he trailed his fingers on her belly as Soomin started moving to stop from touching her

"Don't touch me!" The boy harshly held her chin with a serious expression "shall we start the fun?"

The girl shook her head as some tears formed in her eyes, she didn't knew what was coming but being tied on a chair in a basement alredy made her scared

"So scared for what? Your baby? Aw don't worry I won't do anything bad to it" he walked to the table nearby and took something out

A pocket knife

"Alright, let me tell you one of the rules. You disobbey me, I'll use this on your pretty face, understand?" Soomin immediately nodded

"W-When will I get some food?" The boy tched and crouched down near her face

"Rule number two, never talk without consent" she screamed after the metal blade cutted her skin as blood started dripping on her cheek

"Do you still need to ask anything?" The pregnant girl shook her head

"Goodnight honey, see you later" Soomin cried as soon as he left, she was scared for her life and for the baby's safety. There was no way she's letting that maniac even think of taking care of her baby when there was Jungwon who was stressing the shit out of him to find them at home

"I'm scared..." she sniffed "I want to go back to Jungwon and hug him.."

Will she be able to go back home?

"Babygirl, I'm back~" the boy walked inside the basement with a smirk

"Babygirl~ it's time to wake up, I need you for something" Soomin finally woke up, same position, same room but different month

It was december

"Today, I'm gonna feed you for first time this month, are you happy?" The ties on her wrists fell on the floor revealing nothing surprising than her wrists full of wounds

"but you have to give me something back, it isn't that easy"

"What is it" she covered her mouth after realising she spoke without permission

"I'm sorry babygirl, it's the rule" another scream, another wound on her body this time

"I want an hour of love with you" Soomin widened her eyes

𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now