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"You know," the boy started, looking at the clear blue sky "I kind of miss her

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"You know," the boy started, looking at the clear blue sky "I kind of miss her. As much as she gave me a lot of problems I miss her"

"Correction, she gave us" he smiled, laying down on the blanket they setted up on the grass, right under a cherry blossom tree

"You can't deny I had more problems with her than you" the girl rolled her eyes, laying beside him

"Are we really going to dicuss about this?" Yang Jungwon shook his head, his smile never disappearing from his lips "no we aren't, let's enjoy our day out" he kissed her cheek and wrapped an arm around her waist

"I can't believe that two years ago we couldn't even imagine of being how we are now" she smiled, hugging him and resting her head on his chest

"Well a lot of things can happen in the span of two years love, I think that's just our destiny" Jungwon stoked her hair, admiring her side profile

"You're really pretty" the girl turned her head to his direction, only to find him already looking at her

"You're only saying this because I don't feel confident of how I look"

"Not true, you're always pretty and I just like to remind you that" he kissed her forehead, his dimples showing on his pearl-like cheeks


"You sure you're not the one?" the female glared at him

Jungwon stood up, offering his hand out to help her

"Now let's go collect our children before they'll fill their pockets with rocks again" Park Soomin, now a Yang, held his hand and stood up from the blanket

"L e t apsostrophe s g o" Jungwon took her hand, intertwining their fingers and dragged her to the playground few meters away

Confused, aren't you? Probabily yes

Two years ago, when Cho tortured Soomin, she actually killed herself

Cho was mentally ill, she was crazy. So if couldn't have Jungwon for herself, then what was the point of living anyway?

that was her mindset. Jungwon was the only thing keeping her sane, and when that 'I love her' slapped her, she realised that she had nothing else to live for if he didn't loved her

she was wrong. There were so many reasons she could live for, yet she chose to ignore them

And the Cho family ended when a year later, her dad poisoned himself

Everyone in that family was crazy

And what happened that day left a scar on everyone's life. Jungwon was dealing with things like nightmares, fear and anxiety

Soomin had ptsd, and even their child was affected by this

because Jungmin actually witnessed everything too. She wasn't supposed to, but Sungjin never took her away

Sungjin's life is ruined now. He's addicted to drugs and always drinks. maybe karma exists after all

"daddy!" Jungmin ran to him and hugged his legs, being way too short to reach higher

"look what we did!" she proudly showed her pants pockets filled with rocks, again

"Yah Jungsoo come here!" Jungmin called her brother while signaling him to stand beside her

"I'm trying Jungmin-noona" Jungsoo struggled to walk as his pockets were bigger than him

"You're slow Jungsoo"

Soomin and Jungwon looked at eachother before chuckling at their children' cuteness

"Well you try walking with rocks in your pockets heavier than you" the little Jungwon crossed his arms pouting

Jungmin rolled her eyes "not my fault you were born after me"

"anyways I collected also a toy! I found it near the slide and no one was picking it up so I decided to take it" the little them took a rubber duck out of her pocket and placed it on Jungwon's hand "it's a gift"

Jungwon crouched down near her level and smiled "thank you baby" he kissed her forehead and patted her head

"I want a kiss too.." the little Jungwon pouted, looking down and playing with his fingers

"Aigoo come here baby" won kissed his son's forehead which earned a happy and jumping Jungsoo

this isn't their happy ever after, problems will always find their way to them

as long as they have eachother, there's no problem for Soomin and Jungwon

i suck at writing epilogues 😭🤚but thank you so much for reading this story fr <333

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i suck at writing epilogues 😭🤚but thank you so much for reading this story fr <333

𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now