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"Love," Jungwon called her as her head turned to his direction "I'm leaving early today

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"Love," Jungwon called her as her head turned to his direction "I'm leaving early today. I..." her brows raised a bit in confusion

"I'm... I'm really busy these days and I need to leave before today" He held her hand and caressed it with his thumb. Lying wasn't in his plans, especially to Soomin, but it's just better if he hides the truth from her or else he knows he isn't gonna be able to leave

"With what?" Soomin asked being the curious girl she is

"With something, it's a surprise" the girl nodded "see you tomorrow?" Jungwon nodded, a sad smile on his lips as he kissed her forehead before standing up from the chair and heading to the door

"I'm sorry Soomin, I love you..." the boy sighed and headed outside. A black car waiting there for him

"Are you ready mr.Yang? Did you forgot anything?" The male nodded as the bodyguard opened the car's door for him to get in

The whole ride Jungwon was quiet, just looking outside to watch the clouds getting darker. The clouds are gonna cry soon

A ring interrupted his thought as he slid his phone out of his pocket and answered

"Heeseung-hyung.." a sigh escaped the older's lips on the other line "I don't wanna do this.."

"Jungwon, you said yourself that you don't have any choice anymore" tears started to pool in his cat-like eyes

"But I don't wanna leave them... I can't do it.." few tears dropped on his pearl-like cheeks as he tried his best to not let any sob escape his mouth

"We're already waiting at the airport, it's ok to cry Jungwon. Remeber you're doing this for their safety" won ended the call and grabbed his bag before exiting the car and heading inside

"I'm sorry Jay-hyung... I'm sorry for not being able to be there for them from now on.." the Yang couldn't help but sob on the older's shoulder as the other five ungulfed him in a group hug

Jake sniffed and patted his head "take care choco ball, alright?"

"Jungwon-hyung," Ni-ki wiped his tears with his sleeve "please call me everyday" Jungwon nodded and hugged him tigh

Sunghoon and Heeseung were aloof, not having the guts to say the last goodbye to their best friend and crying there in front of him

"Here," Sunoo gave him a little box while uncontrollably crying "it's a gift from all of us. A farewell gift"

"Open it when you land and don't forget to call us as soon as you can.." the latter hugged him tigh and rubbed his back

A sob escaped Sunghoon's mouth. The atmosphere there was gloomy and sad, after all their dearest friend is gonna leave for China and never come back

"Flight 246 for China is leaving in 3 minutes"

"I guess this is really a goodbye" the boy smiled sadly and wiped away his tears

"A last group hug, please..?"

The seven friends hugged eachother a last time before Jungwon had to go, even if he didn't wanted to

"Take care Jungwon-ah!" Heeseung managed to shout trough his tears

"We'll miss you!" The six boys shouted in unision which made Jungwon's tears fall more than before

"I'll miss you more.."

The six guys stood outside the girl's hospital room, crying and sobbing while facetiming Jungwon who just arrived at his hotel

"We can't tell her Jungwon, we all don't have the guts to" Jungwon sighed and wiped his tears

"Then what can I do? I don't have any courage to tell her I left Korea and that I left her alone with our baby. I can't look in her eyes without crying hyung"

Just in time, Jay's phone rang as her name popped on his screen

"Soomin needs me, she's asking about you Jungwon.." Jay wiped his tears away and took a deep breathe, trying to calm down

"Just tell her the truth hyung, I can't lie to her anymore.. I just can't"

"I just wish I could be there"

Sunoo stood from the chair "I'll tell her" the others looked at him and shook their head

"You can't Sunoo-yah, we'll know you're just holding your tears back" Sunghoon sniffed, knowing the younger too well

"Jay is the one that knows her better, we'll let him do it"

"No I'll... I'll do it. I should have told her when I was there but I'll take the responsability of this and.. I'm gonna tell her, even if that means I'm not gonna be there to comfort her" Jungwon sniffed. He doesn't wanna do this, he know he isn't gonna be able to do it

"Are you sure? How are you going to tell her?"

"I'm gonna call her.. that's the only way I have.."

( random note ): a little dramatic chapter before everything starts ;)was it a bit too dramatic ?

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( random note ): a little dramatic chapter before everything starts ;)
was it a bit too dramatic ?

𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗦. jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now