Full Metal Zombie: s1 ep4 pt3

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Scarlett's POV

After a few hours of nothing but wires, Addy pat me on the back and the two of us walked to the back of the truck again.

"This is Sergeant Charles Garnett calling Northern light. Charles Garnett calling Northern Light. Come in, Northern light." The man glanced back at Addy and I, all I gave him was a shrug.

"Yes, this is Northern Light for Garnett. Citizen Z hitting you back, go for Garnett" We heard come from the speaker. Addy and I shared a smile and high fived.

"Thank god. We've been trying to make this work for hours."

"What are you broadcasting on?"

"Uh.. Clowny the french fry guy."

"Is that what his name is?" I said curiously to Cassandra who only shrugged.

"Couple of our team, Carver and..."


"Carver and Vasquez jerry-rigged a drive-thru camera."

"Addy Carver?" CZ asked and Garnett nodded. "Is she there? I wanna say hi."

"Uh.. ok." Garnett said quickly before waving the girl over.

"Hi Addy.. How's it going down there?"

"Pretty 'effed up actually. How's it going wherever you are?"

"Aww you know. Same ol' same ol'."

"Oh, my god. He's flirting." I turned my head away to let out a small laugh and Warren has her lips pushed together. I can tell she was holding it together also.

"What can I do for you folks?"

"Can we get a chocolate shake and fries with that-" Doc was quickly cut off by Murphy.

"Let's get on with this before the Z's find us."

"Wait, is that Murphy? Outstanding.. glad to see you're still alive sir."

"Yeah, we won't be for long if we don't get off this highway. We're in desperate need for alternate transpo. We're looking for an airplane or a chopper."

"Oh, A hot air balloon." I said excitingly and Garnett furrowed his brows. "Ok.." I said defeated and walked away from the group to watch for Z's.

I heard CZ responding but was to far to hear what was being said. All I got from the conversation was we were headed for West Virginia, 100 miles south.

I heard a snarling behind me and quickly turned to pike the Z. "Puppies and kittens!" I yelled after pulling my blade out of the rotted skull.

I ran back to the truck and jumped inside before we sped off.


We pulled up to a building with abandoned cars and mercy'd Z's in front. Everyone besides 10k and I piled out of the truck with their guns raised and eyes open. "You sure this place isn't just abandoned? I mean look around." I asked Garnett and Warren, the latter shrugged.

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