Resurrection Z: s1 ep6 pt3

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10k's POV

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10k's POV

"If you're not out in two hours, Doc and I will go after you." Addy said as Doc pat my shoulder and I nodded.

"Thanks guys."

"Just try and hurry will ya?"

"Yeah." I gave a tight lipped smile and ran off back towards Province Town.

I managed to get into their heads that we couldn't just leave Scarlett. She was just a girl and could possibly still be alive.

I noticed that the bullet only hit her side, still bad but not as bad as it could be.

It only took 30 minutes til I reached the town. The first place I looked for Scarlett was at the cage.

I killed a few Z's before noticing that Scarlett wasn't there. I inhaled a deep breath and saw a blood stain in the spot Scarlett fell down.

Realizing there was a trail, I followed it. Only beginning to run when a scream echoed through the air.

I found myself stopping in front of the armory. Four Z's stood outside the locked door, begging to get in.

While they were all turned away, I got the attention on the first Z and stabbed it in the head. The other three turned and growled at me.

I pulled my gun out, aimed and shot the three without a second thought.

After each Z laid dead, for good, I pressed against the door and noticed the boots that belonged to Scarlett, poking out from behind the wall. They were moving.

Jiggling the door knob, it wouldn't open. I mentally cursed and started to use the butt of my gun to break it open.

When the door knob fell to my feet, I pushed open the door with all my strength and stumbled over to Scarlett's side.


"Scar, I'm right here. You're gonna be ok." I brushed the stray hair from her pale face as she looked up at me.

"W-Why'd you come back?"

"Because what kind of guy would I be if I left my best friend for the Z's."

"Hmm.. such a gentleman." She let out a small laugh but her face fell and her eyes began to shut.

"Hey, no. Stay awake." I held her head up. My eyes trailed down to where her hand held her wound.

Lucky for her, her clothes weren't torn through. Unlucky for her, her white shirt was stained red with her blood... and she was shot.

Looking closer at the bullet wound I noticed the burnt skin. "You cauterized it?"

"Mm. I have my final guess."


"My final guess. Your name."

"Nows not the best time."

"When would it ever be the best time? 10k I wanna use my final guess."

"Yeah, fine. Guess then."

"Timmy?" She asked with a smile. "I think I got it that time."

"Um, close.. but no. It's not Timmy."


"Y'know what? Let's get you back to the others. Doc will patch you up properly and you can have Four guesses a day, from now on."

"I like that deal."

"Ok.." I muttered while wrapping her arm around my neck then placing my hands around her legs and back. I picked her up a carried her out, bridal style. "You're to light. You should've eaten earlier." I chuckled but got no response.

I glanced down at her and noticed her breathing slowed and her eyes shut.

"Scarlett.. Scar." I shook her arm as best I could without dropping her. When she didn't answer, I set her down gently, pulled out my gun and pointed it to the sky.

I pulled the trigger but there was still no response. I read somewhere about how to tell the difference between an unconscious person and just plain old asleep person.

From my time with Scarlett, I've learned she was a light sleeper so the gun shot should've definitely woken her.

I put my pistol away and quickly picked her back up and started running back to the others as fast as I could.


"Doc!" I yelled while pulling Scarlett higher up in my arms. Everyone in or around the truck looked over at me.

"Is she dead?" Murphy asked and opened the tailgate for me to lay her down.

"If she was dead she would've been a Z with a bullet hole in her head. She's only unconscious." I informed the group as Doc began dressing her wound.

"You find her like this?"

"No. She was awake when I found her, cauterized it herself so don't yell at me." I backed away from and went to where Warren was sitting.

She stared emotionless out the window and I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I found her. Scarlett's alive Warren, she's with her family."

"Thank you, 10k." She whispered and I nodded in acknowledgment. I moved away from Warren and back to the others.

"She did a hell of a job cauterizing that. Might've saved her own life because of it."  Doc nodded his head impressed. After wrapping up her side he checked on her wrist, from when she hurt it during the tornado. He exchanged the blood soaked gauze with some less dirty more pink gauze and sighed. "We can only hope for some help right now. When she wakes up, everything that happened today is gonna come back and bitch slap her across the face."

"And when that happens, we'll be there for her." Addy placed a hand on my shoulder except this time I didn't slap it off.

I only watched Scarlett's chest rise and fall as she took in shallow breaths.



Can you guys let me know how I'm doing and if you like where Murphy and Scarlett's friendship is going?

I would deeply appreciate it

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