White Light: s2 ep2 pt3

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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

I reached out to grab him but my foot slipped. Luckily Warren was there to grab me and pull me away from the edge.

I collapsed to the ground and pushed the woman away. Peeking over the edge, I noticed Murphy climbing out of a Zombie filled pool.

Quickly getting myself together, I stood up and raced back down the building. Once out of the building, I followed Murphy to a house and noticed him reversing in a vehicle.

Before I could reach him though, Addy appeared and smashed the window. She then pulled him out of the van and preceded to beat him.

Cassandra came running out to tackle Addy but I pulled my gun and lined it up at her forehead.  The others came and pulled the two apart, Cassandra eyed me with a soft expression.

"Wheres Mack?" Warren asked Addy. The latter didn't answer, only let out sobs.

Mack was dead.

I moved my finger down the barrel and onto the trigger. This wasn't Cassandra. Cassandra would never wear these clothes or even think about fighting me.

Murphy ruined her like he ruined Mack. Because of him, Mack was dead. He was the reason that the bounty hunters were here.

The reason why we were chasing him through this neighborhood. If he just decontaminated and stayed then none of us would be in this mess.

I was about to pull the trigger when a hand rested on my shoulder and another lowered my arm.

I continued staring at Cassandra's bloodied face even though Javi was trying to grab my attention.

Finally he pulled me away from the group so it was just the two of us. "Who is that?" He asked, referring to the zombie girl.

"Cassandra. Me and her have been surviving with each other since you and I got separated. Before the nukes, she cut her let. It got infected. She was almost gone when Murphy turned her into... that."

"I thought you were friends with the Murphy. You're talking like you hate his guts."

"We are friends, I'm just mad. Mad that Mack's dead and Cassandra is a monster."

"Listen here, Mija." He cupped my cheeks and bent down to my level. "That's just the way to world is now. You are allowed to be angry, of course, but you are not allowed to let that get in the way of your survival."

"I know. Thanks." I gave him a tight lipped smile and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'm so happy you're alive, Javi."

"Back at you, Mija." He kissed my forehead and I pulled away. I felt eyes on us and turned only to notice Doc, 10k and Warren looking at us with a raised brow.

"Ok guys. Meet my brother, Javier Vasquez. Javi, meet my team- my family." I introduce the group and their eyes widened.

"This is the famous Javi we've been hearing so much about?" Doc asked with a smile. I nodded and he went in for a hand shake.

"I go by Vasquez. Even if Carla trusts you, I don't."

"I'm sorry, Carla?" 10k asked him.

"Uh, yeah. Is it a problem to you what I call my sister?"

"Ok, can we not do this? I think it's time to go." I looked between the two, Warren agreed with me and the five of us got into the van. Vasquez and Warren in the front leaving me, 10k, Doc, Addy, Hayden, Murphy and Cassandra in the back.

I sat next to Addy with a sigh and reached for her hand. She immediately accepted the gesture and laid her head on mine.


While broken down on the side of the road, I noticed a radio in the van. I grabbed it and pressed the on button with hope it worked.

Static began coming through the radio and a smile found it way onto my face. Making sure it was only me around, I brought the radio up to my lips and began speaking through it.

"CZ? It's Scarlett. I don't know if I'm on the right channel or if you can hear me but I'm gonna take what I got. Anyways, Murphy told me something pretty crazy." I laughed with a sigh. "Simon, if you really are my father then please radio back and talk to me."

I waited for a response, I thought it wasn't gonna come until I heard his voice come through. "Scarlett, right now it's really going tough up here but I couldn't just leave you with nothing. Yes, it's true. I did a little research after Chester and finally found out that I am indeed your biological dad. I would be happy to explain but right now I'm running out of sun light."

"Wow.. we can talk more later. Can you contact me through this channel at anytime?"

"I'm the NSA. I can do anything."

"Ok.. speak to you soon then."



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