Welcome to Murphytown: s3 ep7 pt3

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Scarlett's POV

"What's in Springfield?" Hector asked. We all stood around Murphy's box truck, speaking once more about Murphy's plan.

"Yeah, besides crazy Lincoln zombies?" Doc asked.

"Lucy." Warren, Addy and I said in sync, looking at the group.

"Who's Lucy?"

"Murphy's daughter." Sun Mei jumped up excitedly.

"Murphy has a child?"

"With pie girl." I nodded.

Sun Mei ignored me, looking at Warren. "Do you know what this means? She could've inherited his immunity."

"We got to get to Lucy before Murphy does." Warren said, nodding at Sun Mei. "Let's get some grub and make a plan." Addy and Warren walked off, I followed and grabbed both their hanging hands with mine.


"Ugh, disgusting." I grimaced, looking at the crickets on the trash van lid.

"You think this is disgusting?" Hector and Sun Mei asked, looking at me incredulously.

"Why would I want crickets. Nasty." I shook my head.

"Eat up, Pea. You're not lookin' to hot." Warren handed me some of the cooked crickets. I sighed, picking up one and putting it into my mouth.

I groaned. "Nuh-uh. they is cricket leg in my teeth." I spit the dead insects onto the ground, making the others laugh. "This ism't funny, stop laughing." I scolded, holding a smile of my own on my face.

"Ok..ok. Look. The way I see it, we gotta split up." Warren said, immediately wiping the smiles off of our faces.

"Aww, man. I hate when we split up." Doc groaned.

"I get it. But we have to stop Murphy and his blend army before they get to strong, and we gotta find Lucy before the rest of the world finds out about her. Alright?" A couple of us nodded while standing while the others just stood. "Let's hit it."

I was sitting beside Doc, our legs dangling out of the Murphy truck when Warren went to 10k to ask him to draw a map. He explained what was going to be seen and where Lucy would be found.

"Alright, Doc and Addy, you guys go after Lucy."

"I'm gonna go with them." I said, going next to Doc. I wanted to stay with 10k but... Springfield is where Cassandra is."

"Are you sure?" 10k asked, wearily and I simply nodded in response.

"ok, then... the rest of us are gonna continue on to Spokane and we'll do whatever we can to stop Murphy." Warren said, finishing what she was saying before.

"And if we find Lucy?"

"Keep her safe. Contact us by radio."

"We'll monitor the HAM frequencies for you." Sun Mei agreed.

"What are we gonna do when we get to Spokane?" Hector asked.

"We're gonna give him a good ol' fashion spanking." Warren said, making Sun Mei, Hector and I let out small laughs. "Let's load up, move out."

"10k, why don't you help me make sure that fire is out." Doc said, waving the kid over. He squeezed my shoulder lightly before following the hippie.

I moved to the passenger seat of the box truck and began rubbing my fingers against my palms. I was scared to leave 10k and I wasn't feeling so hot.

A hand came from behind, wrapping around my forehead and I figured it was Warren by the sound of her sigh that followed. "You're burning up." She whispered, pulling me backwards against her chest.

she hugged me from behind, whispering things into my ear as I just let her hold me. "I love you, Pea. Please, for the love of anything that is good, come back to us." She pleaded, her voice breaking slightly.

"I wish I could promise." I whispered to her, she let out a small whine and spun me around to pull me into a proper hug. Her hand soothed my hair and I felt a small wet spot land on my shoulders. "Please don't cry for me." I said, my voice cracking slightly as well.

"But you're my baby girl, how could I not?"

"Warren!" 10k called, coming around the backside of the truck. "Hey, is everything ok?" he asked softly upon seeing our tears. Both of us stayed silent, Warren decided to leave a a lingering kiss on my cheek before walking away and wiping the tears from her eyes. "What's wrong."

"I don't think I'll make it back to you after this." I said, not delaying the inevitable conversation.

"Why... why do you say that?"

I sighed, grabbing his hand and placing it against my burning head then moving it down to my heart. "It's as if I'm dead already." I mumbled.

Then remembered one last thing that was proof of my end. I pulled my long sleeve off my right arm and allowed 10k to see my underarm. black veins began to sprout from the healed scar where I was originally scratched by the blaster.

10k sighed, running a hand down his face then cupping my cheeks after I put my shirt back on properly. "I want to say something along the lines of, You will be ok and I'll see you when you get back, but I can't... can I?"

I shook my head. "This may be our final goodbye, Tommy. If I don't come back with Addy and Doc, know that my body will be buried next to Cassandra while whatever is left of me is with the others in our house."

10k pulled me into a tight hug, having to bend over just to be able to wrap his arms around my waist. "I love you... to the moon and beyond." He whispered into my neck.

"And beyond..."


I sat in the passenger seat while Doc drove and Addy sat between us and fiddled with the radio. My eyes were feeling heavy and my skin began feeling colder by the second. "How ya feeling, kid?" Doc asked, glancing over at me.

I picked up my head, looking at Doc. "What do you think?" I asked, wheezing lightly. The black veins that were spreading on my arm were now spreading up my neck and sprouting from my eyes. My eyes were also a mixture of a light red and a faint black was showing through.

"Just bury me next to Cassandra." I muttered, looking back out the passenger door.


not edited

coming to a close, my loves.

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