End Times: s2 ep15 pt1 (needs editing)

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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

"How you feeling, kid?" Doc lagged behind to talk with me.

I gave him a small shrug before taking a large breath. I still wasn't fully healed from being poisoned back at The Arena.

I've been having a hard time catching my breath, I've gotten dizzy then fainted a couple of times from there to where we were now and I've had a hard time keeping down my food (if you can even call it that).

So when 10k, Doc or any other Delta- Xray- Delta member asked if I was ok, I wish to come up with a fun way to say "no" just so they had their sassy teenager back.

Just like the good 'ol days, right?

I've realized shortly that we came to a hill. 10k pulled back to help me up, taking Doc's place. It felt like my lungs were the size of blueberries.

I could not breath to save my life. Once at the top, I let go of 10k's arm and fell to my knees. He reached down and pulled my hair from my face so I could empty my stomach onto the ground.

"She's really not getting any better. She's probably gonna have to go with Murphy to the CDC." Warren muttered to Javi.

"No, I'll be fine." I had 10k help me back up. "Let's keep going.. almost there, right?" I asked Addy.

"Yup. We're close." She responded after checking her GPS.

"Like, how close?"

"Like should be through those trees, close." She pointed ahead of us.

"Let's keep going them. You good, Pea?"

"Would everyone stop asking me that?" I grumbled, slowly walking up a curb before everyone else. "That is some nice air." I said after inhaling the ocean scent.

"Come on, should be through there." Addy smiled and led us to a small shack at the edge of the water.

"That's it?" Murphy asked, you could tell he wanted to complain.

"According to the GPS."

"Are you sure? It doesn't look very high tech."

"Maybe it's just another front for an underground lab." 10k suggested, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Maybe it's exactly what it looks like, an abandoned greasy spoon."

"Maybe it has something I could eat. I've been throwing up stomach acid and bits of my intestines for the past 3 days." I rolled my eyes. "I'm so hungry I could eat a human brain." I said, jokingly glancing at Murphy.

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