Zombie Road: s2 ep3 pt2

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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

"Want some more?" Murphy tried passing me a joint, I shook my head at him.

"I feel something." Cassandra told me with a smile. Behind us, two ATV's came speeding up. Two bandits on each.

They began shooting at us, I pulled out my gun and retaliated while the others "huddled up" and "got small" as Addy instructed them.

The bandits sped past us and towards the car Wrecking Ball and Doc were in. "Shit." I stood and tried to see what I could when Cassandra jumped out the back and raced forward to kill the bandits.

I groaned in frustration and looked back at the Murphy, he was looking around nervously again. "Why are we stopping?" Addy asked.

Murphy jumped out of the back and ran around the side if the truck, Addy and I quickly followed him. "My clavicle look alright to you?" Wrecking Ball asked.

I followed Murphy's line of sight and saw three Z's watching us. "Nobody move."

"Dammit. I don't wanna die by the roadside in the dirt with a jacked up clavicle." Wrecking Ball and Doc quickly stood making Murphy and I step out in front of them.

"Doc, Fat guy. Don't freaking move." Murphy told them. I pulled out my knife, Murphy groaned in pain.

"Can't you talk to them?" Addy asked from behind us.

"Addy.." doc warned

"Go start the truck." Murphy instructed with a groan.

"Why isn't it working?"

"Addy, do as Murphy says." Doc told her. Murphy held his hand out to the Z's but they continued to stare at us, another Z joined.

"That ones mad at you Murphy."

"Back to the truck.. everybody back to the truck!" He ushered. Murphy and Wrecking Ball ran first, then Doc then me.

I felt one grab onto my neck and pull me back. "Scarlett!"

"Go Doc!" I struggled with the Z, it rolled on top of me. It tried smashing it's head onto mine but I moved my face just in time.

I kicked the Z off and began running in the direction we were originally driving then heard the truck began to go.

Glancing back, one Z was chasing after me like a crab and another was running normally. The truck picked up speed and I saw Murphy hang out of the back, ready to grab me.

As the back reached me, I stuck my hand out. Sure enough Murphy pulled me into the wagon. "Those are not normal Z's."

"Blasters." Wrecking Ball said. The three of us furrowed our brows at him. "Killed buy the nukes. The radiation makes them blasters." He told us. I turned to Murphy and smacked his arm.

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