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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

I finally finished eating. Not human food, oh no. A rabbit. I finished eating a rabbit and sadly, it was delicious.

I licked my fingers clean of the animals blood when I heard a gun cocking and felt the barrel pointed at my head.

I slowly stood with my shoulder drooped. Turning around, a man with a skeleton mask covering the bottom of his face stared at me.

"Holy shit." He furrowed his brows at me. I could tell there was evidence of my meal spread across my face.

He moved his finger down to the trigger and began to pull it when I smacked it away from my face. "Not dead."

"Don't look like it. Wait. I know you, you're that Scarlett girl.. Escorpion been keepin' an eye out for you and your buddy." The man chuckled. "Imagine what I'd get for givin' you up."

He stepped forward, making me growl. The man chuckled again and stood still for a minute before punching me in the face. I stumbled back and before I could get my balance, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and began carrying me.

I tried to break out of his hold but it only tightened more. I did, however, end up head butting him.

He groaned in pain and threw me to the ground in front of him. I looked up at the man and growled loudly.

"Scarlett Vasquez, Señor." The man presented me. I growled again and jumped up.

Without realizing everyone was present, I jumped on the man and dug into his neck.

The metallic taste swarmed my tastebuds making me want more. The rubbery flesh seasoned in blood slid down my throat as I continued to chew on the now dead man.

It was euphoric. This was the second human I've eaten and it was still just as delicious as before. I hated it though. I was still human deep down but I was feasting on a living human.

Rabbits, deers and coyotes I could deal with but humans?

I was finally able to pull myself away from the man's stomach and sat up on him. I looked over from the dead man to the crowd.

The entire Operation Bite- Mark stood in shock at the site. Except 10k, Javi, Murphy and Cassandra. 10k looked disappointed, the other three weren't even present.

"Are you done?" Escorpion asked me. I stared at him directly in the eye as I pulled a chunk of meat from the man's stomach and began to eat the piece. "You some kind of living zombie?" Escorpion knelt down to be face to face with me.

"Not.. a zombie." I snarled.

"Really doesn't look like it. You just ate my right hand man, Niñita."

"Hurt.. me." I whispered to him, inching my face closer to his. "I.. protected myself."

"Where's your brother, Scarlett?" Escorpion asked me. I looked away from him to the still shocked and slightly scared group.

Javier was still absent. "Gone.."

"Dead gone or gone gone?"

"Don't know.."

"Y'know you're a lucky girl, Mija. Even if your brother was an asshole, I've always like you. You can stay with your friends, if they let you live is up to them." He flicked my nose and stood. "Vamos."

After the Zero's sped out of the Minneapolis lab, I looked over at the group. Warren was slowly approaching me while the others stayed back.

"Hey, Pea." She knelt down next to me like Escorpion had done before. I was going to stay with her but instead I felt a rush of fear course through my body.

"Wheres Murphy?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Danger." I said and stood up. Cassandra picked up on it to. The two of us walked to the main green house side by side to notice Murphy being pulled into the green plants by the vines.

I noticed the main phyto Zombie make himself known to the apocalypse and begin to fight the rest of the group.

Cassandra and I stood protectively in front of Murphy, snarling at the green monster. We went to fight him but he swung at us, knocking back.

Pushing myself up, I forced myself between the green giant and my blue master. Murphy screamed in pain, making me whimper from the second hand feeling.

I went to attack the beast but Murphy's words immediately made me stop. "No, don't kill him!" I looked back at him to confirm what he asked. He gave me a pleading look.

My gaze softened and I backed away, only staying crouched over Murphy. I wrapped my hands around Murphy's neck to try and comfort him, he gripped them tightly while screaming in pain.

"Time to go!" Warren yelled, pulling Murphy to his feet.

"10k help Murphy!" Doc instructed him. He went to reach for the man but Cassandra and I were already holding him up and taking him to our new car.

10k helped Murphy inside, Cassandra and I climbed in straight after. I laid my head on his shoulder, Cassandra doing the same on the other side.

It felt wrong being so overly protective over this man but again it felt so right. In my head, this man was my father and he saved me.

It's like I just couldn't help myself no matter how human or zombie I truly was.


I stared blankly ahead of me as Murphy tried cleaning the dried blood from my mouth and hands. He always did this for me after a hunt.

I had no mirror to see if I got it all off or not so the second best thing was having another person do it for me.

Javi almost killed Murphy after figuring out what happened. He told them the story, seeing as I wasn't going to move my lips.

In the end they hated but respected the decision because it was my call, after all



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