The Arena: pt3

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

"I know where she is. You should know that whatever day she disappeared, it wasn't on purpose. She was kidnapped by a man named Henry." Escorpion informed the operation bite- mark group.

10k's face dropped and the boy shook his head. "I knew it. Scarlett would've never willingly left us- left me. Not after everything we've been through. We didn't go looking for her and now she's probably dead."

"Last I checked, she's alive. I can tell you where she is."

"Now would be the time to tell us." Vasquez snarled.

"Just after the border in California. Hard to miss, really. She's in a city called La Arena."

"Who the hell named a city The Arena?" Vasquez asked, translating the Spanish to the rest of the group.

"Jacob Rael. The city's new governor."

"Why is it called the arena, exactly?" Warren asked, you could see gears turning in her head.

"Exactly for what it's known for. Governor Rael came up with twice a week fights for anyone who was brave enough and strong enough for the challenge. Scarlett was one of the anyones. Actually, she's the best fighter."

"Elaborate." Addy said.

"Anyone who's ever gone against Scarlett hasn't made it out alive. Even if they've tapped out, she shows no mercy. After her 5th kill, she changed. It's like she forgot who she was and the people around her, me included."

"How many people has she fought?"

"All together; 28."

"And killed?"

"28. Her next fight is in three days."

- Scarlett's POV

The crowd cheered my name as I locked eyes with Axel. Behind him another figure emerged, I recognized him as Duke.

"You might be able to beat one at a time, Princess, but can you take on two?" He taunted.

A second later, the ding indicating the start rang throughout the arena. Axel ran at me first with his fist raised, I ducked under his swing then punched his throat.

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