Zunami: s1 ep8

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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

I forced my eyes open. The first thing I was met with was 10k's sleeping face.

I tried to turn over but was stopped by the wall. I started to hyperventilate from the closed space and saw 10k's eyes open.

"Scarlett?" He lifted her head slightly to look at me. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" He placed a hand on my shoulder and I let out a small whimper. "Can you breathe?"

I shook my head. "Why are we in here? Where is here?"

"We're in a morgue."

"A what-" he pressed a hand to my mouth and another finger to his lips.

"Theres a horde. Miles wide. We came in here to hide from them while they pass."

"How long was I out?"

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"You carrying me out of the armory."

"It's been a week or so."

"The others?"

"They're here. They're all ok."

"And Charlie?"

"Garnett is.. is completely ok."

"He is?"

"Yeah. He's hiding.. with Warren. We should keep quiet.. who knows who's listening." 10k quickly shut his eyes and laid his head on his hand.

His other, free hand was still rested on my shoulder. My breathing was more steady now but I was still terrified about what was out there.

I grabbed it from my shoulder and held it in my hand. After a second, his fingers tightened around mine.

I closed my eyes as well and tried my hardest to block out the outside noises. My eyes shot open and hand tightened more around 10k's when a man screaming echoed throughout the morgue.

I looked at 10k worriedly and he shook his head. "Some random guy named Otis. Don't worry about it."

I nodded and scooted closer to his body. He looked at me with wide eyes, making me furrow my brows at him.

He opened his arms up, I quickly wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his neck.


"10k must be real lonely for him to wrap her arms around him like that." Doc chuckled. "He's totally whipped."

"I don't think it was 10k who did that." Cassandra's voice was close to my ear. I then felt a hand on my face, moving my hair. "Nope. She's awake."

"How can you tell?"

"Because I'm smarter than you. Scarlett.." she started shaking my shoulder. I let my eyes flutter open. I saw 10k's chest first then turned my head to see everyone staring at the two of us.

"Well I'll be damned. Welcome back to the land of the living, Kid." Doc put his hands on his hips as Warren reached down to flick 10k in the head.

"Hm.. what?" He mumbled in my hair.

"Hordes past. Come on and get out of there, you two." They pulled the tray out, 10k got up and out first then helped me down gently.

I held my side while 10k stayed by me and helped me stand straight up. Murphy had a small smile on his face while the other three had wider ones.

"Where's Charlie?" I asked after realizing his presence was not in the room. Everyones faces fell and I looked at 10k. "You said he was here."

"Ok, I might have lied."

"What do you mean.. where's Charlie? Addy and Mack?"

"Do you not remember the day you got shot?" Warren took a step closer. I looked down at my shoes.

"I remember running towards gun fire, seeing Charlie's back towards me but then after that I remember 10k finding me. That's it."

"Oh, Pea." Warren grabbed my hands and brought me to a seat. "Charlie didn't make it. He died that day."

"What?" I shook my head in disbelief. Tears filled my eyes and I looked back at 10k, he was looking at his feet guiltily. "You said he was ok..  why would you lie about that?"

"I didn't know what you would've done. You could've put yourself, me and the others in danger if I told you the truth."

I looked down at my shoes, biting my tongue. "What about Mack and Addy?"

"We split up a few days back. Knowing them, they're still kickin'." Doc said and I nodded. Warren bent down to my level and embrace me in a hug.

I wiped my tears away and over her shoulder I saw Murphy shaking a gold fish bag and water jug in my direction.

I pulled away from Warren and went to Murphy to take the gold fish from him. "Thanks."

"You got food?" Doc said shocked. He grabbed Murphy's bag from him and started pulling out all the other food items. "The hell are you hiding this for?!"

"I was saving it for when my friend woke up from her coma. But I guess.. dig in."



This was really just a filler chapter, I hope you still enjoyed it.

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