Murphy's Miracle: s3 ep3 pt3

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Scarlett's POV

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Scarlett's POV

"What's that music?" I asked softly after Sun Mei finished hooking up the radio. Her face fell at the sound, making the other two also surround her.

"It's a signal. A code used only when all other means of communication have failed." Sun Mei tried explaining, Addy and I shared confused looks.

"What does it mean?" The former asked.

"It means it's over. The mission has been aborted." Tears brimmed Sun Mei's eyes. "Everyones dead."

I placed a comforting hand on her should then sighed. "How much power do you have left?"

"What difference does it make? There's nobody there to hear us." Sun Mei said sadly, I went to her side and gently pushed her from the chair.

"There's someone there." I said before grabbing the microphone and pressing a button. "Citizen Z? This is Scarlett Vasquez and Operation Bite Mark. Do you read me?"

After a second of silence I pressed the button down again. "Citizen Z. This is Scarlett Vasquez and Operation Bite Mark. Do you copy?" I paused. "Are you there, Dad?" I waited again.

I waited again, no answer. "This is Scarlett Vasquez and Operation Bite mark, do you copy?!" I was starting to get frustrated. I went to change the channel when the entire mother board powered down. "Shit!" I yelled, slamming the microphone down.

I put my hands in my head and let out a shaky breath. "That's it, kid. Transmitters dead." Doc said soft, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's just get the hell out of here already." I said, standing from the seat and heading outside.

The four of us waited on the curb for Warren, Hector  and Wally to get back. Once they did, Sun Mei jumped into the mail truck first then Doc, Addy and finally me.

"Anything from your Padre?" Hector asked. I pursed my lips and shook my head.

While on the way back to the postal office, Wally stopped the truck and yelled about having to help out his old librarian friend.

The small horde of Z's split up into two groups, one going after Wally and the others going after us. "Weapons out, just in case." Warren said.

I pulled my knife out and twirled it in my hand, fully prepared to mercy any of the Z's. That was when the Z's looked past the others and headed straight towards me.

"Ok, what?" Addy asked.

"Oh! It's your weird black blood they want, Scarlett. Like the Zombie from the radio shack!" Doc yelled. I furrowed my brows but nodded at the observation.

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