Warren's Dream: S4 Ep1 Pt2

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Scarlett's POV

Red and Sun Mei were speaking, 10k and Doc sat a ways away, and Lilly and I were playing in the river.

I splashed her with the water, making her squeal loudly. "Cold!" She spun and ran towards 10k and Doc.

10k got onto his knees and caught Lilly. She squealed again as 10k began to tickle her.

He pulled away his hands and tucked her messy hair behind her ear. "Is mommy being mean?"

She nodded her head, I dramatically gasped from my spot by the river and pushed myself up.

I went over and picked her up by her armpits. "Is mommy still being mean?" I asked her, she giggled as she shook her head.

I smiled, going around to put Lilly on 10k's shoulders. I moved to take 10k's spot beside Doc.

"I hate to do this in front of Lilly but, I got some ammo for you guys. Courtesy of the US government." Doc said, handing me a box. "The Lieutenant wants us to be ready in case shit goes down."

10k stood, holding tight on Lilly's ankles as he slowly rocked her back and forth on his shoulders.

"I'm more worried about some of our fellow refugees than I am about zombies." He said.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Doc scoffed.

"What if we get there and it sucks?" I asked, glancing between 10k and Doc.

"Life's a crapshoot, kids. Just look at the bright side. You're young people, you've got your whole lives ahead of you. Maybe you guys could expand your family. Same with Red, she could settle down."

"Yeah, I don't know about that." I scoffed. "She doesn't want kids... not after what happened to 5k."

"Yeah, what did happen? Neither of you ever told me."

"Well, we went to go search for him where he would've fallen but there was this huge murder of crows in a black cloud." 10k said, slowing his movements. "Red thought she saw him standing among the crows...

"Then the flock cleared and we saw." I finished for 10k. "He sacrificed himself to save Addy and Lucy."

Doc put a hand to his head "Damn." He muttered. "You know, for not being blood kin, that kid was an awful lot like you." He told 10k.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"No. Sorry."


Lt. Mueller, his Sergeant and Private, one other soldier, another survivor, Doc, Red, 10k, and I were all gathered in a tent. Sun Mei had volunteered to watch Lilly whip we were in this meeting.

I had my arms wrapped around 10k's as we stood there quietly while Lt. Mueller spoke.

"We have no information regarding its whereabouts or its position. What we do know, is that the convoy is overdue. It's possible they're lost or have run into mechanical difficulties. This, however, does not change our objective or our time frame." Lt. Mueller announced.

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