Get The Message

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+Taehui POV+

You sigh in exasperation again.
"Jungkook just let me go. I'm really not that great."
He scoffs.

"As if I'll do that." He glares you down and you nod.
"Fine. If that's what you want."
He nods and lets your wrist go.

You then turn around and walk away.
"Wha- TAEHUI!"


This time you're faster and get to Jennie's house quicker than he can catch up.
You get to her door and knock maniacally on her door.

She opens it and you fly in before closing and locking the door.
You take a minute to catch your breath.

Jennie looks at you, bewildered.
"Gimme a"

She gives you a glass of water and lets you sit down.
"Why is Jungkook about to break in my door? And why are you running from him?"

"I realised that the longer he stays around me...the more danger he'll be in."

"But isn't literally your job to protect him?"

"Yes it is and I'll still protect him but it'll be strictly professional. It's best for both of us if it's that way."

"Are you sure about that?" Jennie asks you, concerned.
"I don't want you to make this decision and regret it later on."

"I won't regret this. It'll be hard's better this way."
Jennie nods and tells you she'll support your decision and help you stick to it.

"Thank you Jen. I really owe you for this."

"Ah it's fine. Just don't you dare die on me Taehui."


You two spend some time together and have fun. You watch Netflix and binge the drama Tale of The Nine-Tailed.

You're crying by the end of the first episode.
And then you're engrossed and you two leave it at episode 5.

You open her front door and find Jungkook still there.
He's sleeping and has his head leaning against the wall.

You squat down next to him and move his hair away from his face.
You place a soft kiss on his cheek and whisper,
"Goodbye Kookie."

You stand back up and walk through the hallways and stairs to leave Jennie's apartment building.

Suddenly a hand grabs your wrist.
You turn your head to look at who it is.
Its lisa.

"Lisa? When did you get here?"

She shakes you off and grabs your wrist to take you inside the building.

She leads you to Jennie's apartment and you're confused the whole way.

"Lisa, what-"


You do look and see a random girl trying to touch up Jungkook and kiss him.

Suddenly something in you snaps.
You're furious at the sight of a girl other than you touching him.

My god. I don't believe this. I'm jealous.

You scoff loudly and the girl stops to stare at you.

"Uh...who are you?"

"Who am I? His girlfriend." You lie and stare the girl down.

She laughs and points at you.

"You? You're his girlfriend? But he said he's single."

You glare at Jungkook and he squirms.

"Did he now? Well he's mistaken. I'm his girlfriend and you should leave."

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