Trouble In Paradise

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+Taehui POV+

"Not a chance. I'm not letting you go. You're mine now."

Your heart flutters slightly at that and his arms are wrapped securely around your waist.

You lean your head against his shoulder and he gives you a forehead kiss.

You turn yourself so you're facing sideways and you can wrap your arms around him to give him a hug.

You snuggle into his chest and you two have a cosy time watching dramas.

Hours pass and the two of you are in peaceful bliss.

When you check the time, you realise it's evening.

"Are you hungry? I'll make us something" you offer and he nods.

"Ok let me go make something for us" you get up to go to the kitchen and Jungkook follows you to the kitchen.

Since you have a tv in the kitchen, you and Jungkook carry on your drama while you're cooking.

You two are eating and nearly finished when you hear noises outside.

You two give each other a look and move to where the noises are coming from.

You start franctically searching for your gun and a few minutes pass before Jungkook calls out to you.


You look up to where he called you from and notice him stepping back.

You hear footsteps get closer to your front door.

You look for your gun again and find it.

You hurriedly grab it and load it before going to Jungkook.

"What do we do?" Jungkook asks you, trying to stay calm.

You think and think and remember the secret getaway door in your room.

"Follow me." you whisper and grab him before leading him to your room.

"Taehui. I don't think this is the time for-"

"-shut it that's not whats happening." you snap and he goes quiet.

You lift up your carpet to reveal the door.

Jungkook is amazed you have something like this in your room.

"That's a way into the apartment downstairs." you inform him where he's going before you send him down a trapdoor he's never seen before.

"Are they going to be ok with us just barging in like this?" he asks, concerned

"Hurry up and get down there." you say while opening the door.

"She's fine with it we have an agreement." you assure him before he quickly makes his way down the stairs.

"Get out the building as fast as you can without them seeing you." you tell him before shutting the door and covering it back up with the carpet.

"I love you, Jungkook." you whisper to the door before getting up and getting ready to fight.

These fools that have come for you are going down today.

You gather guns and weapons you have hidden in your room for emergencies and head out to the living room.

They're trying to break down your door and it's nearly working.

+Jungkook POV+

What do I do?

Taehui's just...

Taehui no!

I've climbed down the rest of the way and am now in Taehui's downstairs neighbours living room.

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