Trouble In The Safe House

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+Taehui POV+

You stare at him, getting lost in his eyes.

"Don't do that Taehui. Don't do something I'll misunderstand as interest."

You stare curiously at him and he gently pushes you off him.

"What do you mean?" you ask and he chuckles and shrugs

"What do you mean don't do that? I'm not leading you on or anything - I'm interested in you."

Hyunjin literally chokes on his saliva.


He has a literal coughing fit and you're torn between laughing and genuinely being worried for him.

You give him a glass of water and eventually after loads of gulps of water, Hyunjin is fine.

"You're interested in me?" he asks, hesitant.

"yeah. I'm interested in you. Heck, I love you."

His eyes widen and you smile at the shock on his face.

"I only acted the way I did was because I was trying to see if there was anything there between me and Jungkook. I was confused who I really loved. And now I know. It's you." you admit and he processes this

"Do you have feelings for him?" he asks, voice gentle

"Deep down yeah, maybe. But I love you more. After all, you've always been there for me. Jungkook hasn't."

Hyunjin's face lights up with hope.

You move towards him and hug him

"I like you, Hwang Hyunjin"

"I like you too, Kim Taehui"

You move your up to cup his face and lean in and kiss his forehead.

"I'm so sorry about my fathers' men."

"It's fine Taehui. It's not like you're the one ordering them to go after me."

You two have fun washing up the dishes and splash each other a few times.

That somehow leads to Hyunjin starting a tickling match with you.

You both end up laughing on the floor, in stitches.

"Ok ok stop. You're killing me." You plead with him, laughing

He chuckles a raspy chuckle and stops attacking you with tickles.

Your eyes scan around your kitchen and you spot a shadow move past your kitchen window.

"Why so serious all of a sudden?" Hyunjin asks, amusement in his voice.

You put a finger to his lips and pull him up with you.

Your eyes never leave the front door.

After a few seconds you see a shadow at the door.

And the door bell rings.

Hyunjin goes to look at who is at the door and you stop him.

You signal with your hand for him to keep quiet and shake your head as a way of telling him not to go.

Suddenly whoever's at the door starts pounding the door.

Hyunjin immediately senses something is off and grabs you to run into your room.

"You have a way of getting out of here right?" He whispers, keeping calm.

You nod and point to the carpet on your floor.

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