Keep Your Friends Close And Your Enemies Even Closer

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+Taehui POV+

"Felix...he's not the person you think he is. Not anymore."

It takes a minute for you to process that.

"What do you mean he's not the person I think he is?"

"He's changed Taehui. Changed a lot from when you last really spent time with him."

"It doesn't make sense I know but please trust me. Do not trust Felix. It's easy to trust him and not me I know but please. Don't trust him."

"What are you saying Ryujin? This is Felix we're talking about."

"Have you never wondered who killed Ni-na that day?" She asks you softly, knowing its a delicate topic for you.

"Of course I have. But I've never digged that deep into it. I haven't wanted to... it was all just too painful for me. I know that's rich coming from the girl that had her killed."

"Well i digged. And it was Felix that killed her. It was him."

This information takes a minute to sink in.

"What? But...he loved Ni-na almost as much as I did..."

"That's what we all thought. But when it came to it...she meant nothing to him."

You don't even realise you're crying.

Ryujin hugs you and you just cry into her chest.

"But...this can't be..this changes everything I thought I knew about him..."

"I know. But you know what you have to do now don't you? You have to make sure he doesn't suspect a thing."

"What? How?"

"You'll have to just find a way Taehui. You know what they say...keep your friends close and your enemies ever closer."

"But thinking of Felix as an enemy just doesn't feel right."

"Taehui believe me when I say I know. I went through all the emotions you're probably going through now when I first found out. But...he's dangerous. Do not underestimate him."

"I know. I just...I can't believe this. Part of me doesn't want to believe it."

"I know how you feel. But you need make sure he doesn't catch on. If he finds out you'll be the end of it all Taehui. I mean it."

"What do you mean it'll be the end of it all? He surely isn't that dangerous?"

"I told you not to underestimate him Taehui. He has the power to make everything come crumbling down."

Your head is spinning with all the information going around your head.

"Look just take time to come to terms with it. Give yourself time to let the information sink in. And then get your head thinking straight because i need you on your A game."

You nod and collect yourself before you and Ryujin go back out one after the other.

~back at the table~

"You guys ok? You were kinda in there for a while." Felix asks you, giving you a smile.

"Yeah we're good. Just uh...women business." You state and smile back.

I can't believe you killed her. You even sat with me and cried with me over Ni-na's death.

He nods and the rest of the evening goes well.

You thought everything was going well until you left and arrived home.

~at your house~

You enter your dark apartment and set your keys down.

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