A New Friend

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+Taehui POV+

.......where am I? What happened?
You gain full consciousness and study your surroundings.
What the heck?
Why are you tied to a chair?
The fuck is happening?

"Taehui! You're awake!" Jungkook exclaims in relief.
"Where are we?" You ask and suddenly the door bursts open.
You and Jungkook stare at the person that's barged in.

"Tae what are you doing here?" Jungkook asks and you both wait for an answer.
"Saving you both. Duh." He answers casually and you and Jungkook are both gobsmacked and impressed at the same time.
"How? How did you get in?" You ask and Tae gives you two a smug look.

"I'm sure he'll gladly tell you at another time but right now I'm got unfinished business."

Your stomach drops at the sound of his voice.
Your father.
He makes your skin crawl.

You're glaring daggers and he scoffs.
"Daughter...surely you don't hate me that much?" He asks, dubious and you scoff.
"Are you fucking kidding? Of course I hate you that much." You answer, pouring in as much venom as you can.

Jungkook leans towards you and whispers,
"Is he really that bad?"

You face him and give him the best "are you fucking kidding me?" face you've ever given.
He gets the message and shuts up.
Your father eyes the whole interaction and comes closer to you.

"Things weren't that bad were they?" He asks you, desperate for consolidation that he isn't the world's worst father.
"They were. Even before you decided to enlighten me on the family business." You state, voice ice cold.


4 years ago

You'd been called to your fathers office.
It'd been a typical day of being lectured on how to be the perfect little wife for whoever becomes your future husband as well as training.

Before now you've had no idea about the "family business".
You simply thought your father had a lot of friends.
Some who'd tried to make moves on you disgusted you; you never saw them again.

You never questioned things you should have simply because he's your father.
Ignorance truly is bliss.
You collapse into the chair when he tells you.

"I.....all those people I never saw again....you killed them?" You'd asked, in disbelief.
"Yes. You see Taehui, you need to be tough in this business. Need to shut off all your emotions. Especially since you're a girl." Your father had said and you'd scoffed.

"Especially since I'm a girl? What the heck is that supposed to mean?" You'd asked and your father had given you an exasperated look.
The men around him had sniggered.
"Taehui come on don't make a scene." He'd said as if he was talking to a tantrum throwing toddler.

That had pissed you off.
"I suppose you're about to tell me I have to marry whoever you want me to?" You'd spit at him and he'd nodded without emotion.
You'd scoffed in indignation.
Hell fucking no. You haven't spent all these years training and getting into shape for nothing.

You are not going to marry someone into the throne.
Not now you know what you were training for.
You'd thought your father had simply wanted you fit and capable.
You hadn't realised he'd had an ulterior motive.

You glare your father down and stand up and lean over his desk.
"I'll say this only once so pay attention, father. I'm not just going to roll over and let my husband walk all over me. The family business should be kept in the family shouldn't it?" You stated and you've balled your fists up on the desk.

The truth is you don't care about getting the throne; your father has always treated you like a little kid and always belittled you.
That's what you want to fight against.

"Enough Taehui." Your father sighs.
You glare at him and slam your fist down on the table.
"You still wanna treat me like a little kid?! Fine! I don't need to be here. Fuck your bloodline." You'd spit and you'd turned around without looking back and gone to your room to pack.

"Taehui! Taehui get back here! TAEHUI!" Your father had yelled after you.
"FUCK YOUR PLAN! IM NEVER FOLLOWING IT!" You'd yelled back at him and had everything packed within minutes.

And that was the day you turned your back on your father and everything he stood for.


Jungkook and Tae listen intently to your story.
Jungkook's eyes have grown warmer and so had Tae's.
"Dont. Dont pity me. That's worse." You say and they both shake their heads.
"It's not pity. We know how you feel." Jungkook says calmly and your eyes widen.

"You do?" You ask, surprised.
"Yeah. Life wasn't all rainbows and diamonds." Tae says bitterly and you nod in understanding.
Your father comes closer to you and your blood boils.

"Taehui...it's not too late for you. You can still have all of this. Just marry the man I chose for you." He tries to negotiate with you and you scoff.
"I'm never, ever going to marry a man you want me to marry." You spit at him.
He sighs before slapping you across the face once, leaving a red mark.

You glare him down and you see, from the corner of your eye, Jungkook being restrained.
"Why must you make everything harder? Huh? You can't just listen can you?" He growls and you hold your ground.

"Father you never listen either." You state and he gives you a confused look.
"I've always said I wouldn't marry anyone you chose. You just never paid attention it seems. Why are you so surprised?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.

He's annoyed that you've rattled him.
"If you paid more attention to me, maybe I'd be more willing to co-operate." You say, voice full of sarcasm.
Sarcasm because it would never make a difference.
You'd still hate him even if he treated you better.

"Well Taehui. I can't have you roaming about being a pain in my ass. I'll take care of you. For good this time." He says, cool and calm.
Jungkook starts to scream and thrash and you simply close your eyes because you can't stand seeing him this way.

"It'll be nice and quick Taehui." He whispers loud enough for Jungkook to hear too.
Liar. It won't be quick. You'll make it slow and painful.
You hold your nerve and face your father down.
You stare his down as he points the gun at your head.

You're waiting for the gunshot but it doesn't come.
What? Why hasn't he shot me?

"Simply shooting you.....doesn't seem enough."
Your father says.
You stare at him and give him the "what the fuck?" look.

"Bring them in."


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