I'm Saving You

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+Taehui POV+

He agrees and you feel relieved. With him helping you, it'll be easier to not get swayed.

In this little waiting room, it's only you,
Jungkook, Hyunjin and Eunwoo. Eunwoo is a close friend of yours and his father works with your father. He's not like his father though. He's sweet and caring. And over time he earned your trust.

Jungkook looks on edge and Hyunjin is glaring at Eunwoo whenever he can. You're confused at the hostility from Hyunjin. Then you shake off the thought and clear your throat.

Suddenly, your father comes in and you all get up and you place yourself in front of Jungkook. Hyunjin is in front of you and Eunwoo is at his side.

Your father laughs.

"Isn't this sweet? Everyone protecting each other." He says, looking at each of you in turn.
You glare daggers at him and hold your ground.
You refuse to wilt under his stare.
You grit your teeth and subtly wrap your hands around Jungkook's arms.
It's a way of making sure he stays behind you.

He puts his hands on your waist and it's a reassuring thing, knowing he's safe behind you.
Your fathers eyes are on your waist and jungkooks hands on them.
Eunwoo and Hyunjin block his sight to you once more.
"This can all end quickly Taehui. Just give them up. Give him up." He tries to negotiate with you and you catch a glimpse of him trying to see you around Eunwoo and Hyunjin.

"You've turned traitor have you Hyunjin? I'm disappointed I must say." Your father turns on Hyunjin when he realises he won't be touching you.
You see his jaw tighten.
"For the record...I was never going to kill Taehui." He says through gritted teeth.
Oh? That won't sit well with father.
And, as you expected, your fathers eyes darken and he smiles in a way that makes your stomach turn.

You give Jungkook's arms one gentle squeeze before saying, without looking back at him,
"Stay there. Whatever happens, stay there."
You walk forward and stand in front of the two boys at the front.
Your fathers eyes light up when he sees you.
"Daughter. You remind me so much of your mother." He says and you ball your fists up.
"Don't you dare bring up mum." You spit and your father sighs.

"It doesn't have to end this way. You can come back home." He tries to tempt you and you realise that he's being genuine. He wants you home.
You sigh.
"I wish I could. But I can't. The very thought of you makes me sick." You hiss and your father sighs.
"I wish it didn't have to be like this. But you've given me no choice. I have to get rid of you." He says and before you know it the gun is aiming at you.

He's about to pull the trigger. You close your eyes, waiting for the bullet to pierce your skin.
But it doesn't hit you.

It hits Jungkook.
He falls to the ground, blood spilling out from him.
You scream out in horror.
"NO! NO! NO NO NO NO!" You yell out, voice breaking and tears falling uncontrollably.
Hyunjin is already calling 999.
You blink furiously through the tears.
"What the heck were you thinking?! Why on earth would you do this?" You cry out and Jungkook smiles at you weakly.
"I'm...saving you." He whispers and you cry even more.
"You stupid idiot!" You yell and hold him to you.

"Why are you getting so emotional?" Eunwoo asks behind you. You sigh and wipe away a tear.
"He's grown on me. He means more to me than just someone to protect." You admit and Jungkook grins at you.
"How can you be grinning right now?" You burst out, shocked.
He chuckles and then starts groaning in pain.
His eyes start to flutter.
"No! NO! Stay with me Kookie. Stay with me. Stay awake! Don't you dare close your eyes!" You yell, desperate.

His eyes flutter closed and you scream out.
The paramedics get in and take over.
You're a crying mess as they take Jungkook away.
Your eyes fall on your father watching him.
Your eyes are alight with fury.
You storm up to him.

"How DARE you?! YOU HAVE INTERFERED WITH MY WORK FAR TOO MUCH!" You yell and Hyunjin is fighting against you to keep you back.
"If he dies...you're going to die too. Because I will never forgive you if someone I'm supposed to be protecting dies because of you." You threaten and start to walk away.
Then you run back and punch him in the face.
He falls to the floor and you walk out the room for real this time.

~At the hospital~

You rush into Jungkook's room and see him sleeping peacefully.
The doctor seems worried.
You're on edge as the doctor takes you outside the room to talk.
"We got the bullet out. But he took a shot somewhere quite vital. He's remaining unconscious and we're not sure when or even if he'll wake up." He tells you and you start to hyperventilate.
He tries to calm you but it doesn't work.

Hyunjin comes and takes over. He takes you outside his room and helps you calm down. He gives you water and some snacks since you haven't eaten all day.
You've calmed down a lot.
"Do you think you're ready to see him?" He asks softly and you nod.
You both get up and walk to the door.
You take a deep breath before going in.
Your heart hurts at the sight of Jungkook alive but barely just.
You grab his hand and squeeze it gently.
"Wake up. Please wake up. I need you here Kookie. I need you and your stupid jokes." You half cry, half laugh and Hyunjin is by your side and hugs you.

You don't protest. You hug him back and cry silently into his shoulder.
He lets you dampen his shirt as he strokes your hair.
You wipe your tears off and sit by Jungkook's side.
"I'm gonna go get you food okay? You need to eat." Hyunjin says before leaving the room to get you both food.
You watch his chest move up and down and it helps to calm you.
You cry again as you see the bullet wound.

The guilt almost eats you alive.
If you die because of me...I'll never forgive myself. Or my father.
You spot something at his bedside table.
It seems to be a note.

I can never say any of this to you out loud. So I'm writing it down on paper. I'm in love with you Kim Taehui. You're the most badass, lowkey sexy, beautiful girl I've ever known. I love that you aren't after money or fame. You aren't fake and that's what is so attractive about you. You'll be honest with me at all times. Well...unless you're embarrassed. I love when I can make you blush. What's________
frustrating is that you don't even know the effect you have on me. I hope you do one day and that you find out how I feel about you.__

You start crying again and place the note back.
I had no idea....
You slump to the ground and cry so much your vision is blurry.
Hyunjin helps you up and hugs you again.
He doesn't say anything and simply lets you cry yourself out.

Why do you have to make things difficult Jungkook? Why do you have to love me? Don't you know how dangerous it is to love me?


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