Help Me

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I am intent on making sure Taehui doesn't know my feelings. Its best if she doesn't know. For both of us. It saves the both of us heartache. I am not too happy about it but its for the best.

Taehui I wish I could tell you how I feel...but I cant. It wouldn't be right.

As if she can sense I'm thinking about her, Taehui comes in looking better than ever. How am I meant to resist her or act like I'm not interested when I so clearly am? Why has she gotta make things so hard for me?

"Jungkook? You ok? Am I interrupting something?" she inquires, ready to leave if I say yes.

"No. Not at all. What do you need?" I ask and she raises an eyebrow.

"Why do you think I want something?" she asks, defensive.

"You never willingly come to see me unless you want something. I always come to you." I state and she scoffs.

"I do not do that!" she protests and I have to laugh at the look on her face.

"Whatever. Moving on. What do you need?" I ask again and she sighs almost sadly before answering.

"I need you. I didn't see it before but I need you. I want you." she slowly walks toward me and my heart beats faster.

"Jungkook." she whispers out and I love the feeling it gives me to hear her say my name.

"Jungkook." she's right in front of me now and smiling encouragingly at me

"Jungkook!" she snaps her fingers and I snap out of the daydream I was having.

She seems annoyed as she stares me down.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to start daydreaming." I apologise and she sits down in one of the seats in front of my desk.

(Taehui has explained what she wants and Jungkook has agreed to help.)

"This is dangerous stuff Taehui." I admit, worried for her.

"I know. But what choice have I got? Let him use people close to me to take me down?" she says, angry and annoyed.

"Calm down Princess. We'll figure it out." I say and watch with satisfaction as her face gets slightly pinker.

+Taehui POV+

You don't like the feeling it gives you when he calls you that. You try to compose yourself and get back to business.

"Let's keep it professional okay? No nicknames." You state firmly, and earn a grin from him.

"Why? Do I make you nervous? Do I give you butterflies?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows in between every question.

You roll your eyes and sigh.

"Jungkook. Stop being an idiot. Focus." You order and he mock salutes you.

"Yes Ma'am!"

You raise you fist at him and he hides behind his hands.

"Want to get slapped? Shut it. I need you focused for this to work." You say, starting to get annoyed.

Suddenly the door flings open and a furious looking girl is at the doorway.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook! How could you do this to me? Ditching me? For a bodyguard? I didn't want to believe the rumour but I guess it's true!" She yells angrily and glares at the both of you.

"What? What rumour?" You demand, confused but you see that Jungkook is smirking. Ah..he started this. It's clearly written on his face.

"You haven't heard? The rumour is that you and Jungkook have been sleeping together everywhere. Even here." she explains and you ball up your fists.

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