A Change Of Plan

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+Hyunjin POV+

~on call with: Boss Kim~

She knows? How did she find out?! How could you be so careless?!

I know I know. I didn't expect her to be behind me like that.

Goddamn it Hyunjin. Kill her now before she can go running her mouth off to many people. If it got out that I want my daughter dead? My reputation would be ruined just like that.

I....I'm not sure about killing her. It doesn't seem right.

Hyunjin we had a deal. Don't tell me you're having second thoughts. Hyunjin I need her dead.

I just don't think it's right.

Hyunjin? Don't chicken out on me now.

But this feels wrong! She doesn't seem bad!

Hyunjin come on. You made a deal with me remember?

I know. But I just can't do it. I can't

Hyunjin. It's either her or you. Got it?

I get it. I still feel it's not right but rather her than me.

Just get it done as soon as possible Hyunjin.

Ok. Consider it done.

Good. Don't disappoint me Hyunjin. You know what'll happen if you do.

Yes, sir, I know.
~End of Call~

I sigh as I mentally start to plan out how this will go.
I feel uneasy about it but it has to be done. As he said she's manipulative.

"You're really gonna kill her?"
The voice startles me and I turn to see a glowering Jennie.

I sigh and run my hand through my hair.
"Yes. She's manipulative and evil. She needs to go." I echo the words of Boss Kim.
Jennie sighs like she's unconvinced.
"Surely....if that's what you really think about her...you would've killed her already?" She asks and it gets me thinking.

Does she have a point? Do I really think these things about her? Is it my thoughts or his thoughts?

Jennie breaks me out of my reverie by breaking the silence and speaking.
"Look she wasn't always all violence and criminals. She was one of the good girls. Still is. It was really her father that corrupted her. He would get into her head and start sucking the goodness out of her. She killed her first ever person because of her father. But Taehui is smart. She found a way to escape the darkness that is her father before she was engulfed by it.
She's not a bad person. Just a broken one."

I let this all sink in. Is it possible that everything Boss Kim told me about Taehui is a lie?
"You're telling me her father was lying this whole time?" I ask her questioningly and she nods.
"Look whatever he's told you of anything along the lines of she's manipulative and evil cuz she wants me dead then yes it's a lie. She's not manipulative and she's definitely not evil. Yes she wants her father dead but do you really blame her?" She finishes it off defensive as if she can't bear to hear someone talk badly of Taehui.

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