Broken Trust Makes A Broken Girl

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+Taehui POV+

The next day you're all good as new.
You decide to forget you ever cried over him and you decide to forget everything you ever felt for him.

You'll spend no more time crying over him.
And with that you focus on what you should: taking down the Seo Family mob and protecting the boys at the same time.

You're on your phone debating whether to text Jennie to see if the boys are ok when the cafe bell dings indicating there's a new customer.

Your head snaps up and you look at the door to see who's come in.
It's Felix.
You'd recognise that face you love anywhere.

Your face naturally melts into a wide smile and Felix is beaming when he spots you.

"Taehui! Hey!" His aussie accent when saying hey in English makes your heart flutter.

Felix was born in Korea and lived here for a few years before his family moved to Australia for work and life reasons and he pretty much grew up there. He's spent most of his life there but every year he's come back to Korea for a few weeks before leaving for Australia.

But just for you (Aw ain't he a sweetie) he's staying in Korea for as long as you need his help.

(A/N: I know that Felix might not have been born and stayed in Korea for a few years but it's just something I made up for his character ok? It's not meant to be accurate and if it's similar then that's a coincidence. I wanted to keep in the fact that he's Korean-Australian so yeah. Please don't come for me because I didn't make his background info accurate to real life it isn't meant to be)

You're catching up and having a good time before he brings up why you called him for help.

"So why do you need me? I thought you always wanted to work by yourself and not ask for help?" He questions, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"Well...i realised that me being a proud arrogant bitch wouldn't help this mission so I decided to ask for help. And I trust you more than anyone so I thought I'd ask you."

He chuckles and pats your hands that are on the table.

"I'm glad you're learning, Taehui. And I'm glad you asked me for help." He sounds genuine and you grin at him.

Just then the bell rings again and you two both turn your heads to the door to see who came in.

Much to your surprise, it's Jungkook.
And he looks pissed.

He comes storming to your table and looks at you and Felix.

"What is this? Who's he and why aren't you with us, protecting us?" He spits out, angry.

"For your information I left Jennie protecting the boys and this here is my childhood friend. Felix this is Jungkook and Jungkook this is Felix."

He huffs in annoyance and Felix is watching him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yah Taehui. Who is this dude?" He asks, growing angrier.

"Yah. Felix calm down. Jungkook is a friend. He means no harm at all."

"Yah Taehui. You're too nice to guys like him. Don't be fooled Taehui." Felix says, growing more concerned yet still angry.

"What do you mean guys like me? Huh? You think i'd hurt her? That's the last thing i'd do. If anything i should be suspicious of you, no?" Jungkook shoots back, glaring at Felix.

"Suspicious of me? Why? I'm her childhood friend! We've known each other since we were kids." Felix huffs out in frustration.

"Aigoo chinja! (seriously!) I can't handle the amount of testosterone in the air right now!" You yell out.

The bell rings once more and you all turn to the door to see Shin Ryujin.

She's gotten so much prettier since you last saw her. Short hair suits her so much too. Her body is to die for and she's just all round beautiful.

Your eyes widen when you make eye contact with her. She beams at you and quickly makes her way to you.

"Hey! Oh my god Taehui it's been too long." She exclaims and goes to hug you.

You hug her and your heart starts to flutter when you catch her scent. She smells of roses and strawberries and when she pulls back from the hug you're blushing.

She smirks at the sight of you with pink cheeks. She takes a seat really close next to you.

You glance at Felix to see him getting annoyed. You're confused but decide to not pay much attention to it.

"So how have you been babe?" She teasingly asks and you blush again.

"I-I've been fine. How have you been? I must say you're looking amazing Ryujin."

"That's good to hear. I've been good. You're looking amazing yourself Taehui." She says, flirty.

"Oh please I'm the same as always." You joke, flirting back.

You then glance at Felix and Jungkook staring at both of you.

You give them a confused look.


"I-I've been fine thank you. What is wrong with you?" Felix mockingly mimics you and you don't know whether to laugh or be offended.

"Yah. What was that?" You shoot him a questioning look and he shrugs, sassy.

"Aigoo chinja. I don't believe this. Are you jealous right now?" You ask, in disbelief.

"No. Jealous? Jealous who?" Felix says, giving you a smile before dropping the smile and glaring as he starts downing his drink. Which may I add is a hot cappuccino.

"Ah crap that's hot!" He bursts out and you laugh.

"You find this funny huh?" He shoots you a salty look and you cover your mouth to mask your smile.

"I can't believe you're acting like this. Hey didn't you have a crush on Ryujin?" You expose his well kept secret and he does a double take. He literally spits out his coffee.

You stare at him with wide eyes and move to help him but Ryujin pulls you back onto your chair.

"Stay. He'll be fine." She whispers and you stare at her, confused.

"I think I should help him." You say and she shakes her head.

"Don't." She warns you and you grow more confused.

"What's going on Ryujin? This is Felix. We've known him for ages."

She sighs and whispers,
"Not here. In the bathroom."

~in the bathroom~

"Ok what the hell is going on?" You ask her, serious.

She sighs and rubs her temple with her hand.

"I've been debating wether to tell you this. And I've decided I should as you trust the wrong people too easily." She says and you grow even more confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Felix. He's changed."

"What the hell do you mean Felix has changed? Ryujin what are you talking about?"

"Felix....he's not the person you think he is. Not anymore."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
What do you guys think Ryujin is talking about? Do you guys have any theories? Put them in the comments if you do I wanna know what you made of this hehe.

And yes I put Felix and Ryujin in this story I love them both so much. Just a forewarning the other Itzy and stray kids members will be in this too but they're not all friends with each other.

Till next chapter,

Your author :)

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