Are You Jealous?

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+Taehui POV+

You decide from now on you need your girls to straighten you out whenever you stray.
So from now Jisoo, Lisa, Jennie and Rose will stick with you.

~At BH building~
You're talking and getting to know each other more so the job isn't awkward.
You're having fun when someone bursts in with  a knife heading straight for you.
You don't have to do anything though because a bodyguard takes them down.

Everyone is shaken and shocked.
"Omg! What the hell was that?" Jennie inquires and you shake your head.
"Huh. Never a dull moment with you, is it?" Jungkook mutters while still staring at the spot the guy was in.
You all laugh at Jungkook's comment.
"That's why we love her. She's never boring." Jisoo states while pinching your cheeks.
You laugh along with Jisoo and hit her playfully on the thigh.
You then notice Jungkook staring fixedly on the spot on Jisoo your hand is on.
You raise an eyebrow at him when he makes eye contact with you.
"Are you jealous or something?" You jokingly tease and when he looks down your eyes widen.

Everyone ooohs and laughs and you laugh in disbelief.
"Are you actually jealous?" You press teasingly and he blushes slightly.
"No. Anyway, you were jealous yesterday." He reminds you and you shake it off.
"Eh. At least I admit it." You tease further and he laughs mockingly before getting up and going.
"Aw no. Don't leave. It's adorable that you're jealous." You playfully call out after him and everyone falls about laughing.

You then get back to searching for whoever keeps coming after you.
It's not hard to find it's your father as you suspected and pretty much knew.
You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
"Great. So now I have to do my job while my father is on my back."
The girls pat you on the back sympathetically.
"It's gonna be hard I know but not impossible." Jennie reassures you kindly.
The other girls smile kindly at you and you nod slowly, reassured.
(At this point I should tell you the girls have already been introduced to the boys and they've just been getting to know each other a bit more.)
They said they need to get going so they've said their goodbyes and left.

"Bye girls!"

After they leave you sigh.

"How am I gonna take down my fathers men?" You think out loud.

~few minutes later~

At that point, as if on cue, your fathers men come bursting in.
You know it's your fathers men because he's with them.
You grit your teeth and you and the bodyguards form a barrier between the boys.
Your father strides forward to talk to you.
"Taehui. I just need Jeon Jungkook. If you just give him up...this will all be easier." He tries to negotiate.
You laugh bitterly.
"Go. To. Hell." You spit and he sighs in disappointment.
"Why do you even care? Why can't you just give him up?" He pleads with you and you glare him down.

"The day I do the day I fail in my job and I'm not planning on doing that any time soon." You hiss and your father sighs.
"'re gonna be a problem for me...." he starts to say thoughtfully and brings out a gun and points it at you
"And I can't have that."
And with that he shoots you in the stomach and you fall to the floor and start to blackout.
The last thing you hear is Jungkook's voice.



~At BH Hospital~

Your eyes flutter open to a plain white ceiling and quickly realise you're at a hospital.
You groan and try and get to your senses.
You see a brown-haired angel faced person swim into view.
"An angel?..." you slightly slur your words and you see him start to laugh.
You return to your senses and glare at him laughing.
" angel!" He yells between laughs and you sush him.

"I was drugged up ok?! I don't actually think you're an angel." You defend but it doesn't stop him laughing.
He pats your head gently while chuckling.
"Aw. It's cute how you're trying to make excuses." He starts and you push his hand off and groan at the pain.

"But you're not gonna live this down. I assure you." He finishes while winking at you.
You raise your hand to deliver a blow and he catches your fist.
He kisses your hand and winks again before leaving while smirking.
You scoff in disbelief.
"Ha......that guy.....ha.....what.....ha!" You scoff and straighten your duvet a bit too aggressively and you wince in pain.

"Aish. Ah whatever. That guy shouldn't be on my mind. He isn't." You chant and shake yourself off.
The girls come in and hug you gently one by one.
"Omg!! How you feeling hun?" Jennie asks, worried and taking on the role of a mother.
You giggle at her cuteness and pinch her cheek gently.
"Aigoo~ stop worrying I'm fine Nini" you reassure her, using your nickname for her.
She smiles and the girls sit by your bed.

They clearly look like they want a full recount of how you got in this bed and you sigh dramatically before starting.

"No! He shot you? Just like that? After we left?" Lisa asks, shocked.
You nod and ball your fists up in anger.
"I guess blood doesn't mean much to him anymore." You spit out and the girls look enraged on your behalf.
"How can he just shoot you? You're his daughter!" Rosé inquires, more to herself than anyone else.
The other girls nod in agreement and you raise your hands in defeat.

"Like I said girls...blood doesn't seem to matter to him anymore." You say and they nod.
"Apparently not." Jennie mutters and at that moment Jungkook enters your room.

+Jennie POV+

Jungkook enters the room and when I turn back to talk to Taehui, I see she's fallen asleep! She's not asleep. She's faking being asleep.
I turn to the other girls and raise an eyebrow in Taehui's direction.
They shrug slightly and we turn back to jungkook,

"How is she? Was she awake when you came?" He asks while staring at Taehui like he's giving her a visual check-up.
"Er no she was sleeping when we came. We've just been watching over her. The doctor said she'll be fine but she needs to rest." I inform him and he nods, taking it in.
"So...are you two close or...?" I question, unsure.

"Um....we don't exactly....hate each other." He says and we chuckle.
"Huh. It's just....unless you're her friend or close to her I didn't really think you'd be in here checking on her." I state and he processes this.
"You're right. I um....yeah I'm gonna go." He says and leave the room.
Taehui is watching the door when I turn to face her again.

"Girls?" She asks while still staring at the door.
"Yeah?" Jisoo prompts
"I'm gonna need you to have my back and make sure I don't fall for him or something. I don't want that to happen while I'm doing my job." Taehui states and we nod.
"Don't you worry girl. We got you." I say and we all smile encouragingly at her.
Seems like we're gonna have fun.


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