Need To Know

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A/N: Hello again everyone! Happy Anniversary of this fic, I guess! One year ago I learned about a Varian spin-off that never was to be and when I realized no one at the time was really trying to write out the whole story I started imagining how I'd do it myself. 

But then I've received so much love and support from the 7k community. You've made this work a joy. Even when I was unable to write, I knew I would not be able to truly rest until it was done. I just hope this fic has brought even a fraction of the joy you've given me.

I hope you're excited because this is going to be the summer of VTT! Determined to go out with a bang, I've created a schedule of updates that I'm going to do everything in my power to stick to!

Chapter 18 - June 20th (The Dark Trial)

Chapter 19 - July 4th (A very special winter holiday in July episode! XD)

Chapter 20 - July 11th

Chapter 21 - July 18th

Chapter 22 - July 25th

Chapter 23 - August 1st

~*FINALE Pt 1*~ - August 8th

~*FINALE Pt 2*~ - August 15th

You'll also find them posted in the summary for the fic! So get hyped as we roll through these last 8 chapters!

And one more thing before I go, Happy Pride Month to everyone! Whether you're gay, bi, pan, trans, ace, aro, demi or somewhere else on this spectrum please know that we love and support you. I truly hope that someday Disney will release shows and movies that have as much, if not more representation than this fic.

Thank you, and have a wonderful day!


As promised, their journey through the mountains lasted nearly four weeks. They followed the river as it wound past rocky slopes and sharp cliffs, through pine-filled valleys and deep, shadowy chasms. Though water still flowed underneath they found the top of the river frozen over and this made it possible to pass through places that would otherwise have been dead ends. Some places involved crossing the ice, which they did carefully. The first time they tried, the thin ice started to crack under Prometheus's hooves. Hugo, thinking fast, splashed down some of his freezing potion, strengthening the ice and allowing them to continue safely.

When their path diverged into two or more directions Nuru used the stars to help guide the way, and when their path was blocked, Yong used his newfound confidence in his charges to clear the way.

All the while, Varian worked tirelessly to decode the next section of the second journal, muttering under his breath and jotting notes into his own personal journal.

Once through the mountains, they entered a dense, dark wood. They squeezed through the trees, Nuru guiding Prometheus, encouraging him with any vegetables they had remaining in their reserves. Hugo and Yong cleared the way ahead. Varian sat on the front seat of the wagon with Prometheus's reins in his lap, supposedly to help steer the wagon, but as the journals laid on top of them it was clear driving was the furthest thing from Varian's mind.

"You really sure this is the right way?" asked Hugo over his shoulder as he used his machete to hack away at a branch.

"The Dark Kingdom is still due north like it was an hour ago," said Nuru. "And yes, we're still heading north."

"And no one out here's ever heard of roads?" asked Hugo.

"Or signs?" added Yong.

"The Kingdom cut itself off from the world for years," said Varian, nose still buried in his notes. "Any roads have probably been destroyed or overgrown."

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