As Above, So Below

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A/N: Sorry for the brief pause in updates. Thank you so much for the support I've been getting on this fic. I really appreciate all the kind attention. Thank you for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy!

Nuru tore the mask from her face and tossed it aside as she sprinted into the ballroom and saw exactly what she'd been afraid of. The meteor was embedded square in the middle of the room, flames leaping up around it, and debris forming a halo of destruction on the surrounding floor.

Without hesitation, Nuru ran forward, eyes down, and scanning for anyone who might need help. A groan caught her ear, and she followed the sound to a pile of rubble. Nuru tossed aside the heavy bricks, screaming as she forced her muscles beyond their limit until she finally exposed one of the servants who'd been caught underneath. The young woman sobbed but crawled and ran off to safety. Nuru shook the pain from her arms and then looked around for more victims.

~ * ~

Hugo wove through the crowds of people, his head twisting around to find Varian and Yong. Suddenly, another explosion rocked the room, and the ceiling above him gave way to another meteor. Hugo jumped back out of the way and bumped into a woman who started clinging to him. He threw his arms up as she started crying into his chest.

"Hey, lady. You've got to run!" He shouted at her.

"I- I can't. I can't." Her words broke down into sobs as she crumpled into him. Hugo tried to step away, but she was on him like a vice. Hugo took a breath then nodded before scooping her up into his arms.

"Okay. Yeah, okay. I've got you," he said awkwardly. He carried her away towards one of the exits and out into the hall. He saw a few guards there directing people towards the bunker and ran toward them.

"Hey, please help her?" he said, holding up the woman in his arms. "Please, I need to find my friends."

The guards nodded, and one reached out to take her from him. The woman looked back and Hugo with red, tear-filled eyes. "T-thank y-you," she stuttered. Hugo felt his cheeks heat up at the simple words, but he just averted his eyes and ran off once again for the ballroom.

~ * ~

Another thundering crash shook the building as a meteor wedged into the ceiling above, sending heavy brick down to the floor.

Nuru raced forward and pushed a man out of the way before a piece could fall on him. She turned and saw another young woman on the ground. She'd been trapped under a large slab of the roof.

Nuru ran for her but was stopped by an arm around her waist.

"Princess, we have to go. You have to get to the bunker!' The guard shouted in her ear. She fought to get out of his grip.

"Let go of me! I have to help!" She cried.

"Princess, please, you have to get out of here," he said


"Princess, the Queen was already hurt."

Nuru froze in his grasp and looked up at the guard. "What? Is she-?"

"She's been taken to the bunker to receive medical attention. Please come with me, so you're not hurt as well."

Nuru wiggled once more in his grip, her eyes back over on the girl on the floor. "I will, just please, let me help her!"

Nuru was determined to at least help the girl who had been trapped. But as she tried to get to her, she saw two boys run over. Both were short, though one was much more so. They both had dark hair. One had a blue streak that had come loose from the rest of the hair plastered down to his head and was now flopping over his face. Together, they found a long beam and wedged it under the slab, using it as a lever to lift it up. Then they both helped the girl up. One of the boys caught eyes with Nuru, who smiled gratefully at them. They nodded and carried the girl away.

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