Inner Demons

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A/N: Everyone has been super wonderful and super patient waiting on these chapters. I appreciate you all so much. While I know if you're reading this you're willing to wait, I do still apologize for making you do so. I never ever wanted to have huge hiatuses like this. But the brain doesn't always cooperate and life is messy. (The QnA is also regretfully not done yet)

What I can promise you is that we will not be abandoning this fic in any way. We plan to see this through to the end! So do not worry about that!

And just so much thanks. The love and support that is given to this fic is truly astounding. I appreciate every single kind word.


Cassandra beat her fists against the glass surface of the mirror, each impact bouncing uselessly against the surface

"Yong? Yong! Varian! Hey!" She yelled out each name, trying to make as much noise as possible, but there was no response. She pressed her face against the glass to look beyond but no one was in sight. All that lay through her little window was the dusty, cluttered room. Cassandra sighed and let her fists drop. "Not like it did any good last time. Don't know why I thought this would be any different." Her face screwed up in anger. "Augh! This place! I should have known!"

She gave the mirror one last spiteful strike then turned and looked around the mirror world she'd been trapped inside. It looked exactly like the room she'd come from but it was faded, dull, and flipped like the image in a mirror might be.

Cassandra drew her sword again and stalked forward carefully in search of another way out. She made a quick perimeter past each corner of the space but could see no doors or windows, not even in the places they'd been on the other side. Everything was just bleak, grey walls.

Then there was a voice behind her.

"Welcome back, my dear traitor."

Cassandra spun to see a semi-transparent green figure smiling back at her. He had long white hair and a sharp black crown on his head. His robes floated a foot above the ground as he levitated. Cassandra's eyes narrowed and she lashed out at the ghostly figure. He quickly moved out of harm's way, smile fixated on his face.

"We never did get the chance to properly meet," he said. "I am Tromus, Keeper of The House of Yesterday's Tomorrow, and ever loyal servant of Zhan Tiri." Cassandra swung and he dodged again. "And, of course, I know exactly who you are." Another swing easily avoided. "My master's chosen vessel for the all-powerful Moonstone. The one who was offered the chance to find her destiny, only to toss it back in the master's face."

"Destiny?" snarled Cassanda. "Zhan Tiri did nothing but use me! She manipulated me! Turned me against my best friend!"

"I'm sure that's what you've come to tell yourself," said Tromus. "Easier that than to accept the truth." He flicked his hand and a set of long dark vines shot out from under a table. Cassandra ducked to avoid them.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Cassandra spat.

Another flick of Tromus's wrist sent more vines racing out to grab her. Cassandra parried them with her sword, but one of the tendrils managed to wrap around the blade and yank it from her hands. The rest curled around Cassandra's wrists and ankles as she fought to get away.

"That my master gave you exactly what you wanted. You were just too weak to see it through to the end."

The vines tightened, binding Cassandra in place. She continued to struggle as Tromus watched with amusement.

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