Into the Lion's Den, Part I

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A/N: If you're enjoying this story please consider following the new Instagram! My co-author has made some beautiful art for it already and she has many more surprises planned for it! Thank you for reading!

Sun shone through the glass dome of the Nesdernian Library and flitted across the old books crowding the tall shelves. The glowing rays grew brighter and fanned out until they caught on long locks of amber hair splayed across a table. The person buried beneath them stirred and slowly sat up. She yawned and rubbed her eyes before shielding them from the bright morning light.

"Morning, already?" she whined.

She stretched dramatically then looked down at the book her face had just been plastered to. She sighed and prepared to continue reading.

"Don't tell me you were here all night, Ulla?"

Ulla turned to see Donella, young and scar-free, walking toward her with a bag in one hand. She was also frowning in concern.

"I've got to figure out where the Earth Trial is," said Ulla. "I'm so close. Just a little bit longer, and I think I'll crack it."

"You've cracked, alright," said Donella standing next to Ulla to look over the table strewn haphazardly with open books. "You keep pushing yourself like this, you're just going to make yourself sick." She started tugging Ulla up out of the chair.

"Hey, what are you doing?" asked Ulla, trying to push Donella away.

"I'm making you go sleep in the armchair while I take over reading," said Donella sternly.

"No, Ella, I'm so close. Just a little bit longer," begged Ulla. Donella let her go and sighed.

"Fine." Donella sat down in the chair next to Ulla and placed the bag she was carrying in front of Ulla. "I guess I'll give you this now, then."

Ulla looked questioningly at the bag then back at Donella. Donella just rolled her eyes and gestured for Ulla to open it. Ulla reached inside and pulled out a thick, leather-bound book with a strap around it. As she opened it, she realized it was a blank journal.

"I noticed the one you're using now is almost full, so I figured you were going to need a new one," said Donella matter of factly. "Our research requires extensive notes, after all."

Ulla looked up at her, her face bright with joy. "This is perfect. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you so much!" Ulla threw her arms around Donella, who stiffened at the sudden contact. After a few seconds, she gently but firmly peeled her friend from around her and turned away to cough. Ulla just barely missed the red glow hidden behind brown locks.

"Like I said, it's just so you can keep working," said Donella quickly. "Really, you should have already gotten one yourself, but you're always so scatterbrained."

Ulla smiled and looked back down at the journal. "Should we get back to work, then?"

"Yes," said Donella eagerly.

They both sat down, staring pointedly at the texts in front of them instead of each other. As they worked, though, Ulla chanced a look up at Donella while the other was distracted. She watched her for a moment, a bit of pink starting to dust her cheeks before getting back to work.

Hours went by, and Ulla was close to passing out again on her papery pillow when something in the text caught her eye.

"Stars," she whispered.

"What?" asked Donella, looking over.

"It's stars. The clues are about different constellations!" Ulla sprung up, suddenly wide awake as she raced across the room and brought back another book. "Look!" She held up the page, which was covered in a map of the night sky. "The bear! The swan! The ram! It's all here. This is how we find the trial!"

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