A Tale of Two Expos

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By the time the Ferry arrived at the other shore, Yong had run off again. It took them a few minutes, but they finally found him. He sat cross-legged in front of Alethea, listening attentively as she carefully placed cards down in front of him. Varian, Nuru, and Hugo walked over, and Yong looked up.

"I'm getting my fortune told!" he chirped. All three of his friends gave him judgemental stares.

"Yeah?" Asked Nuru. "What's your future hold?"

"Um..." Yong thought about it. "Something about big changes coming but that I just need to build strong bonds and remember the color of my loyalty... or something like that."

"What does that even mean?" Asked Hugo.

"I don't know," said Yong. "But it sounds cool, doesn't it."

"If you'd like, I can read one of your fortunes," said Alethea, looking up at the three of them. Varian saw Hugo open his mouth to reply but interrupted him before he could say something too rude.

"I think we're good. We have to be going anyway," Varian said as diplomatically as possible. He looked to Nuru and saw her nodding.

"Very well," said Alethea. "I plan to visit the Exposition of Sciences, so if you change your mind, you can find me there." She scooped up her things and walked off, leaving Yong to stare sheepishly up at the other three.

"You know all that stuff is just made up, right?" Said Nuru.

"Yes," said Hugo. "And I would know. I used to pull that trick on people. She just wants your money."

"But she didn't charge me," said Yong. "And it was fun. You guys are just mean."

"Yong, why have your future read for you when you can build your future yourself!" Said Varian. "You should invent something for the Expo like me!"

Yong's eyes lit up. "Yes!"

"Actually," said Nuru, frowning at Varian. "I was thinking about it. Varian, do we really have time to take part in a science fair? We can't just fool around when we have the trials to complete and the Library to find. We don't have much time until the Demantitus Comet hits!"

It was Varian's turn to look sheepish. "You're right, of course," he said. "But there's actually a pretty important reason for us to win the contest at the Expo. Every year the winners become members of the Society of Sciences, which grants them privileged access to any library or database in all the kingdoms. Stuff I wouldn't even have access to as a Royal Engineer."

Hugo huffed. "How does getting into the nerd club help us?"

Varian pulled out his mother's journal. "I... didn't want to tell you until I was sure... but my mom's journal, the one I've been using so far... it doesn't have anything to help us with the Earth Trial. Only that it's somewhere in Nesdernia. I've been scouring the pages to see if there's anything else, but I've found nothing."

"Is this as far as your mom got?" asked Yong.

Varian shook his head. "There was another journal, but it was stolen from me. It must have what we need to do the next trials, but I don't know where it is. I assume that those men who were after us in Bayognor might have it, but I don't know who they are or where to find them."

Hugo spoke up quietly. "Yeah, they tried to go after me too, remember?"

"Oh yeah," said Yong. "Do you know anything about them?"

Hugo shrugged. "No, sorry."

Varian nodded. "Until we figure it out, getting access to the best research possible is our best bet to find the Earth Trial."

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