Secret Tunnel

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A/N: Hey everyone! So sorry for not updating sooner! Things took a bit longer than I expected and I forgot to update the release schedule I put in the description. I'll be doing that now. Sorry for keeping you waiting and sorry if I worried anyone! I am safe and healthy and very excited to present this chapter to you! Enjoy!


The old stone building stood nestled in a thicket of trees, their shadows casting it into even more darkness on the mostly clear night. The stones were cracked and crumbling in a lot of places and the wooden door that was its entrance barely closed anymore.

The wagon was wedged between the house and the trees in an attempt to obscure its location as much as possible.

Prometheus had been brought inside the abandoned building where he snoozed in a corner. Out on the dusty floor, sleeping bags had been laid out but no one was sleeping in them. Hugo leaned up against a window, looking out into the darkness, Olivia perched on his head. Varian lay across one of the sleeping bags but he was studying a map by alchemical light. Nuru had set up a collapsible telescope by another window and was periodically using it to look out at the sky. Yong and Ruddiger huddled under that same window.

"You really should try to sleep, Firecracker," said Hugo from across the room. "At least one of us should."

Yong shook his head. "Can't," he said simply.

Varian looked up from the map. "You could at least try laying down?" he suggested.

Yong shook his head again. "She's going to find us again," he said hopelessly. "Like she has ever since Ingvarr."

Varian flinched with guilt. "I'm sorry," he said looking back down on the map which had their path marked out of their journey so far from Ingvarr, a red x marking each time they'd been discovered by Donella or her group. "I know being fugitives is not what any of you signed up for."

"Don't be ridiculous," said Nuru as she looked through her telescope. "We all knew the risk when we did the last trial. We're in on this as much as you are, Varian."

Varian watched her make a note on an already filled page. "You're still tracking the Comet?"

She nodded, scribbling more on the page in front of her. "My calculations say it's still six months from landfall. So there's time. At least it's close enough for whatever Demanitus wants us to do with it."

"How much longer until we get to Corona?" asked Yong, looking hopefully at Varian.

"Well, we still have a whole 'nother mountain range to get around," said Varian, pointing it out on the map. "That could take us at least two or three months."

"Two or three months?" cried Yong.

"Don't fret, Fun Sized, this is actually pretty exciting," said Hugo with a smile. "Running and hiding like this. Seeing the dumb look on that crazy engineer's face every time we evade her. It's like an adventure."

Varian brightened a bit. "Like when Flynn Rider was forced to go on the run from the Earl of Camembert!"

Hugo laughed. "Right, like in the children's books."

Varian glared. "Flynn Rider isn't just for kids."

"From what I've heard, they have themes that are meaningful to adults too," said Nuru.

"From what you've heard?" asked Varian in disbelief. "You mean you haven't read them?

Nuru shook her head.

"I only had one," said Yong. "My dad would read it to me sometimes before bed when I was little.

"They're all amazing," Varian said as he looked around. "I think I still have a copy somewhere, actually." He got up and went through his bag before pulling out Tales of Rider. As he held it out Hugo snatched it from his hand. "Hey!" He tried to grab it back but Hugo was already walking over to the other two.

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