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Author's note: I just want to take a moment here to let you know how much you reading this means to me. I'm talking to you. If your eyes are on this text right now, (or ears, if you're having this read out) I love you and appreciate you. This fic, at now...36000+ words is a huge commitment and especially from a writer with as little experience and skill as me. The fact that you're here means you're helping me grow and get better and that's just... My birthday was yesterday, and getting the chance to put myself into a creative endeavor like this and having so many people along with me for the ride is the best gift imaginable right now. So really. Thank you. You clicking this page and skimming my content is awesome! Thank you!

Varian flailed and twisted, desperate for a way out. He rolled over, felt himself plummet, and crashed onto a stone floor. His eyes snapped open, and he sat up to find himself tangled in a mess of sheets lying next to a lavish bed.

"Huh? Wha-?" Breathed Varian, his heart still racing. He looked around. "Is this-" He was in a beautiful little room. It had painted stone walls with a large fireplace set into one side. The other side was crammed with tables and shelves filled with books and alchemical supplies. All his things were there, but it wasn't Old Corona. It was "...the castle?"

"Varian!" The heavy wooden door opened, and Varian's dad rushed in. "I heard a crash, are you okay, son?"

Varian rushed to stand and free himself from the bedsheets simultaneously. He stumbled a bit and caught himself on his father's vest. "Dad! The water trial! We were trapped! How, wha- how did I get here? What's going on?"

His dad grabbed his shoulders gently, face concerned but calm. "Slow down, Varian. You had a bad dream. That's all."

"What?" said Varian. "No. No, it was real. I was looking for the Eternal Library. We got the totem. And then we... Hugo and Yong." He looked down at his right hand and flexed it, feeling like there should be something there.

"Varian, what are you talking about?" said Quirin. "The eternal what?"

"The Library," said Varian, now feeling unsure. "Don't you remember? The journals? Mom?"

Another person walked through the door, and Varian looked over to see a woman with long auburn hair and bright blue eyes.

"Mom?" he gasped. "Wha... Mom!" Varian rushed over to her and nearly tackled her with a hug. She hugged him back lovingly.

"Really, Varian," said his dad. "I don't know what's gotten into you. You saw your mom just last night. That must have been quite the dream you had."

Varian pulled back from his mom's embrace, wiping his eyes. "Yeah, I guess, heh, I just got confused." He rubbed his forehead, his memories jumbling for a moment before he remembered having dinner with both his parents just the day before. How could he have forgotten?

"Well, you can tell us all about it later," said Quirin.

Varian nodded. He tried to recall what he'd been dreaming about but it had already started to slip away. "Actually, I don't think it was important," he said honestly.

"If it was, I'm sure you'll remember later," said his dad. "Right now, you need to get going. The Princess has asked to see you."

Varian stood outside the council chambers waiting for Pete the Guard to announce him. "Princess, the Royal Engineer and Councilor of Science is here to see you."

"Varian! Come in!" came Rapunzel's voice.

Varian shyly scooted in through the double doors to find Rapunzel standing next to the long oaken table looking over some scrolls. Her eyes lit up when she saw him.

Varian's Tangled TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now