Mother Mayes I

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A/N:  I must apologize for updating so late. I truly hoped to get this chapter out last week but it turned out it needed much more work. Not to mention real-life obligations like school and work have been getting in the way. I am so sorry to everyone for the disappointment and I only hope that this chapter will make up for the hiatus. It's a favorite of mine. Maybe it will be a favorite of yours. 

Also, the QnA is still being edited but we will be sure to link it here when it is finished so that you won't miss it. Thank you for your wonderful questions and thank you for your patience.

Please enjoy!

The rain that had started as they made their way back to the capital of Nesdernia didn't relent. It only came down harder and harder until it was a full torrent. Varian and Cassandra, sitting up front on the wagon, had hoods pulled down against the downpour but poor Prometheus was soaked and shaking. It was also getting dark.

"I don't know how much more Prometheus can take," said Varian, voice full of concern.

"We can't exactly set up camp in this," said Cassandra in annoyance.

Yong poked his head out from the wagon, Ruddiger on his shoulder. "Um, guys, you should come inside. It's getting really bad out there." They gasped as a sudden flash lit up their faces. It was almost immediately followed by thunder cracking through the air like a colossal whip. Before they could move, Prometheus's trembling hooves scurried up between Cassandra and Varian, desperate to get in the wagon himself.

"Hey, hey, hold on a second," soothed Cassandra, pushing him back down. "There's no way we'll all fit in there."

Amber poked her head out now. "Maybe there's a place we can pull off and wait out the storm?"

"Where?" asked Cassandra. "We're in the middle of nowhere." Another flash of lightning and another clap of thunder had Yong pulling the curtain over his ears in fright.

"Some folks have farms or cabins out this way," said Amber. "Like you said, we can't all shelter in here and we can't camp out there either."

Nuru poked her head out now. "She's right. We should at least look."

"Hey," said Amber, gently pushed on Nuru's shoulder "Sit back down. You can't be putting weight on that leg."

"I'll go."

Varian jumped with a startled shout. He did not expect a voice to come from his other side. He and the others looked over to see Hugo, hooded and cloaked, standing by the cart. "Oh! Hugo. What do you mean, you'll go?"

"I can go ahead and try to find a barn or something we can spend the night in," said Hugo. "It'll be faster than trying to get the cart down the muddy road."

"Good thinking," said Cassandra, jumping down next to Hugo. Mud splashed onto him and he flinched back. "Let's go, then."

"What?" said Hugo. "No. Not with you."

"Yes, with me," said Cassandra. "I'm not letting you go alone." She looked back up at Varian and the others. "Hang tight. Maybe put some blankets over Prometheus. We'll be back soon. C'mon, Beanpole."

She started off down the road and Hugo rolled his eyes before following.

They walked silently for a while, all their energy focused on seeing anything through the sheets of rain. Cassandra spared a glance over at Hugo but also caught a shadow moving above him. She looked up and realized with a shock that a long, heavy branch was falling from a tree. She shoved him, getting them both out of the way of the falling projectile. Hugo looked over to see the branch jutting out of the mud where he'd just been standing.

Varian's Tangled TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now