Hickory Dickory Dock

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Ruddiger sat under one of the barroom tables, propped comfortably against a leg and with a little treasure of apples around him. He bit into one happily. As he enjoyed his treat, though, he started to hear a faint scuttering noise. His ears twitched. He tried to ignore it but the sound persisted. Thoroughly distracted from his snack, Ruddiger looked around suspiciously for the noise. It seemed to move around him but he couldn't get eyes on what it was.

He hopped onto his little feet, apples left forgotten on the floor as he started to sniff around more deliberately.

The noise zoomed behind him and he jumped completely around to catch it. Again, there was nothing.

It happened again and this time Ruddiger tried to run in its direction, weaving through tables and chairs to follow the sound. It continued to evade him. Each time it seemed to be behind a corner he stuck his nose around to find only air.

Growing frustrated, Ruddiger growled and doubled his efforts. He ran across the room after the phantom noise, dodging between legs, making patrons stumble and yell in surprise.

"Ruddiger?" Varian's voice wasn't enough to divert the raccoon from his fixation as he caught a glimpse of whatever it was dark beneath a rug right by the tavern stairs. He zeroed in on it and crept forward cautiously.

The little lump under the rug wiggled about as the scuttering noise, now muffled, continued. Ruddiger reached the edge of the rug and let out a low growl. The lump moved more fervently then wiggled towards Ruddiger. The raccoon watched intently, ready to attack until a little bronze head poked out from beneath the woven edge.

It was a mouse, but not a mouse at all. Its head and ears were shaped like a mouse except perhaps a bit more exaggerated than the real-life animal. But it was made up entirely of small scraps of metal, fitted snugly together and fastened with minuscule rivets and screws. Its eyes were little black glass circles and shone in the light.

Ruddiger, having never seen something like this before, abruptly stopped growling and instead tilted his head with curiosity.

The mechanical mouse did the same.

A hand came down and gently scooped the mouse up from under the rug. As the mouse was lifted up it became clear that the hand belonged to Hugo. He held the mouse with care and smiled down at her.

"Making friends already, Olivia?" he asked.

The mechanical mouse turned its pointed snout up at him and answered with a fuzzy, unnatural squeak.

Ruddiger darted for Varian's legs, who had come over to see what was happening. The raccoon then climbed up onto Varian's shoulders and clung tightly to him as he tried to get a better look at Hugo's new contraption.

Varian smiled at Ruddiger's mix of fright and curiosity and comforted him with some gentle scratches on his head. Then he looked at what Hugo held in his hand.

"Is that-?"

"Yeah," said Hugo. He looked over to where Nuru and Yong were. "If you want to meet her you better come over too."

They paused the work they were doing, filling little balls with what seemed to be gunpowder, and came over excitedly.

The group gathered in a tight circle. The mechanical mouse looked all around at them, seemingly trying to acknowledge all of them at once.

"May I introduce," said Hugo dramatically. "Olivia S. Cheese II."

"Hello there!" said Yong brightly, putting his face up close. Olivia moved forward a bit until their noses touched. Yong laughed and stood straight again. "She's cute!"

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