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Varian finished rigging Prometheus to the wagon as Yong pushed a box of supplies into the back.

"Guess, that's it then," Varian muttered. "Ready for what's next." He turned and found the end of a sword pointed right between his eyes. "Aahh!" He yelled, startled.

Hector, the person at the other end of the sword, gave Varian a dark smile. "Sure you don't wish to stay with us, Nephew? You'd only stand to benefit from our training. You'd have a much easier time with these challenges," he asked.

Varian carefully pushed the blade away. "Oh, you know, that sounds really great and all but we're kind of on a time crunch so we'll have to make do the way we are... maybe next time?"

"Just be sure to be careful out there," said Adira, walking up to the two of them, Ruddiger riding her shoulder. "Demantitus's Eternal Library holds great power. There will be others who will seek out such power and try to use it for their own nefarious desires." Hector nodded in agreement as he sheathed his sword.

Varian laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Funny you should say that," he said. "I think... well my mom's old partner, Donella, might still be after the Library... and we might have upset her a bit... So yeah. There's that."

Adira's eyes flashed but she quickly calmed herself and just gave a nod. "The grumpy one, yes. It wasn't smart of you to cross her. She's grown very powerful since we met her. She has great influence in Ingvarr."

Yong walked over behind Varian. "Ingvarr... Varian, isn't that where we're going next?"

Varian's eyes were on the ground. "Well? Yeah. But we have no choice. The Iron Trial is in the capital of Ingvarr."

"No!" Shouted Hector. "You will not put yourself in danger like that! Forget this stupid errand and stay here where we can protect you!"

Varian looked up at Hector, his face dark and his eyes narrowed in anger. "Stupid errand?"

"Varian?" said Yong softly, face full of concern and his hand reaching out for him hesitantly.

"Stupid errand?" Varian repeated, louder this time.

"Really, Varian," said Adira. "There's no need to be upset. Hector didn't mean it that way. We're just worried for your safety."

"Safety," spat Varian. "This is my mother's life's work! I thought you understood! But you're sounding just like dad! The Library is important. It could help save Nuru's Kingdom. It could help you rebuild yours! It could have solutions for hunger and disease. Isn't that worth the risk?" He looked at Hector pleadingly, needing affirmation.

Hector looked back, face dark and serious as he considered Varian. After a moment he sighed and put a hand on Varian's shoulder. "You show true bravery, Nephew. And just because I don't understand it doesn't mean it's not worth fighting for. Just be sure to watch your back."

Varian smiled, placated by Hector's words.


Hugo came running over. Hector dropped his hand from Varian's shoulder and stepped back as Hugo rushed up and gently put his own hand on Varian's shoulder. "I heard shouting," he said, face anxious. "Is everything alright?"

Varian blushed and looked back over at Hector and Adira. "Yeah, it's fine. Just got a little carried away there."

"Passion is good when it's properly directed," said Adira. "Beanpole, Hairfluff, be sure to watch over Varian as you continue your journey. Make sure he's safe."

Hugo relaxed, his whole demeanor changing on a dime as he turned to Adira. He smirked and put his elbow on Varian's shoulder, using him as an armrest. "Oh, no need to worry about this guy here. He can be scary when he wants to be. He can definitely take care of himself."

Varian's Tangled TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now