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Compared to the quiet countryside and sleepy towns Varian had traveled through, the capital of Bayangor was fervent with sounds, smells, and energy. Bright red and gold kites soared through the air, catching the light of the setting sun. Lanterns dotted the rooftops, lending their glow to the bustle below. Banners carrying the kingdom's insignia fluttered from large brass poles. The streets were teeming with people of all ages performing music, dancing, and playing games. Pop up stands and colorful carts were everywhere selling goods, putting on puppet shows, and offering chances to win prizes.

It was nearly overwhelming, and Varian had to stop to take it all in. "Wow, this..."

"I know. It's awesome," said Yong confidently.

"Yeah," laughed Varian. "So many people. It's like this every year?"

"Yep," said Yong. "We used to come as a family all the time, but with my parents getting older it's harder for them to travel. And my brothers never come to visit anymore."

Varian frowned and opened his mouth to respond, but then Yong was pointing through the crowd. "Do you see that? They're juggling flaming torches!"

Varian followed his finger to find that there were indeed big sticks of fire flying through the air. "That's cool, but I really need to be getting to the-"

"Let's go check it out!" said Yong running into the crowd of spectators.

"-to the first trial," finished Varian quietly. On his shoulder, Ruddiger started sniffing rapidly and then pointed toward a stand of delicious-looking food. "Looks good, buddy. But we don't really have time-" Varian stopped as Ruddiger ignored him and bounded away. Varian turned and eyed Prometheus to see if he was next. The donkey seemed to give an apathetic shrug. Varian sighed, but then his eyes focused on a stand just beyond Prometheus's head. Upon it sat an assortment of bright red boxes and vases, all intricately carved.

Varian walked over slowly with wide eyes.

"Why hello there, young man," said the old lady working the stand. "Admiring the craftsmanship?"

Varian's fists had migrated up to his mouth in eagerness. He lowered them slightly to speak. "What did you use to dye them?" he asked hopefully. "Is that... cinnabar?"

"Well, yes. It is."

"Do you have any more? That I could buy?"

The lady looked confused but pulled out a bottle of red powder. "I suppose. If that's what you really want."

Varian looked at his remaining companion, practically bouncing with excitement. "Prometheus! Do you realize what that is? Heh heh hnn, cinnabar can be roasted to make mercury! Mercury! Can you believe it?" Prometheus stared back with little indication of how much he believed.

Varian thought for a second then straightened up a bit. "Heh, I guess, hanging out at this festival for a little while wouldn't be such a bad idea," he conceded.

Varian found a stable to put up Prometheus for the night and then joined in the festivities. The next few hours Varian, Yong, and Ruddiger took in as much of the Dragon's Fire Festival as they could.

They watched with awe as more street performers showed off daring tricks and acrobatics. They ate satay, rojak, lok-lok, and nasi lemak until they were full to bursting. They laughed at puppet shows with zany, over the top characters. Varian spent at least an hour calculating the trajectory of a ball so he could win Yong a panda doll from a carnival game.

And Varian bought plenty of alchemical supplies.

~ * ~

Yong was having a fantastic night. He hugged his new panda doll to his side as he walked alongside Varian.

Varian's Tangled TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now