Teenage dirtbag

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Her boyfriends a dick

Definition of some important wordsss ^_^
Indie- Being indie" is about a self-representation that highlights your uniqueness. It means independent thinking, making decisions based on your own internal compass instead of going with outside voices. It's more than what you wear and what bands you listen to; indie is a culture and a way of thinking.
R@pe- someone who has sex with you when you said no and didn't want to. {pls correct me if I'm wrong!}

Noelle is a 18 year old female. Her hair is brown and her eyes are green. Pretty basic, right? Well she was far from basic. Her parents were from Italy and moved to Sheffield where they gave birth to Noelle. Her parents were only teenagers when Elle was born. Her mother was born in a small village in Italy called Portofino. She was an average teenage girl, blonde, blue eyed. Everyone wanted to be like her. But her life was terrible.

❤️ warning graphic content skip until next red heart if you want x

*When she was 12, one day she was coming home from school and someone sneaked up behind her and pulled her to a nearby abandoned goat house. They then r@ped her until she was unconscious and abandoned her outside the school. When she woke up she ran home and told her mother and father what happened. They didn't believe her. The word got around and nobody wanted to be friends with her cause they thought she was attention seeking. That's when she left to go to rome*

❤️Little summery if you skipped to the red heart, Noelles mother has now moved to Rome where she will meet the love of her life <3

Noelles mother's name was viola, when she moved to Rome and started college there. She was studying medicine, that's when she saw the boy of her dream. Tall, brown hair, blue eyes, intelligent, everything she could have wished for in a man. The moment she laid eyes on him she fell for him.

Unfortunately he fell for her too. Now you might be wondering why I said unfortunately, well we'll get to that in a minute. They both were madly in love, that was until they graduated. They both went to the same hospital to work at but he found a lady nurse that he slept with while he was with viola.

Viola made a best friend while working there, that's how she found out he was cheating. Her best friend {lottie} walked in on them "hooking up" in his office. She was mortified and knew it was right to tell viola. When she did viola waited for them to get home to confront him. When she did he said he never Loved her and he just wanted a fling.

Viola then quit as a doctor and opened a music store. This is when she met her soulmate... Luca.

Luca wasn't a very wealthy man but he could pay his bills and care for a family. They met in violas shop at the guitar section. Luca was a total metal head and loved playing guitar. They started talking and realised they have a lot in common. They both moved away from home, been cheated on, were in love with ABBA and the Beatles. They had a few dates and... Noelle was born.

Noelle had a loving family. That was until November 2nd 1976, 3 days before Noelles 6th birthday. Luca and viola got in an argument about what they should get Noelle. Luca said a guitar and viola said "no, we're getting her a tea set." Her dad really wanted her to be indie but her mother wanted her to be what she was like when she was her age. To cool off viola went on a drive, although it didn't end well.

She saw a child run across the lane and swerved into a gate right by the end of a cliff. She survived the crash but it was later found out that the way she died was she drowned in her own blood. When Luca heard the news her was heartbroken. He started blaming it on himself saying that because he didn't want her to have a tea set. He didn't know how he was going to tell Noelle that she wasn't coming back. He explained to her that ma had gone to heaven to look after bolt, their dog who passed away, and said she'd be back soon.

Noelles birthday came and she opened one of her presents and it was a tea set. She complained that she didn't want to be a princess, and that she wanted to be a rocker. Her dad laughed at this comment, thinking back to when him and viola argued over it, he knew he was right.

Every passing day Noelle started to ask less and less when ma was coming home. Until one day it stoped. Her dad then knew she knew she wasn't coming back.

Song that inspired today's chapter: teenage dirtbag- wheatus

Woahh this first chapter was a roller coaster. This Is kinda a filler/background chapter. We will meet Noelle properly next chapter and introduce Damon in it. I will be updating it tomorrow luvs you alllll <3 x

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