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If you feel lonely, I could be lonely with you.

we wrote a song that day. parklife. today we met up at the recording studio to record parklife. we wanted to get damon to speak the chorus parts but he just couldn't get the accent right so we got phil daniels who nailed the accent.

<noelles pov>

"morning boys"
"morning love" graham said
"oh, just you two is it?" i asked
"yeah" said alex
"wheres damon and dave, they're supposed to be here by now" i said checking the watch on my wrist.

"well, daves on his way here now andd, here's damon" graham said while damon walked through the door.
"morning damon" we all said at the same time
"morning boys" damon said
"morning Ella" damon said
"morning dame, how are you today?"  i asked

hm, peachy

"so what are we doing today" damon asked
"recording parklife and shooting the video for girls and boys" i replied with
"oh, thought i was gonna have time to relax today" damon said sadly
"we'll let's get started shall we" i said as i saw dave walk through the door.

we recorded a music video and a song today, god i could use a drink now
"ay boys, do you want to grab a drink down the pub?"
"yeah, why not" they all replied with,

so we did. we went to the pub and had a drink. but one drink turned into two. and two into three. then we started taking shots. then more drinks anddd. i ended up in someone else's bed in the morning... i can only remember one thing from last night. whoever i slept with last night came to me and said

" if you feel lonely. i could be lonely with you"


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